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JF Ossan
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11-09-2009, 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by Fina View Post
Hello all.

I'm moving to Japan in early March of 2010 and I will be living in or around Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture. I have accepted a job teaching there, but unfortunately they are unable to tell me the exact location of my apartment until I arrive (I guess they don't want me shipping a ton of things over early). However, I know that maximum commute time is 60 mins, and on average 30 mins.

The company does not provide internet service in the apartment, and while they have a lot of people to help you set up basic utilities, they don't help with internet. I do, however, know that there are a few internet providers in Japan with English language support.

Anyway, my first question is: Will I be able to get broadband access in or near Matsumoto city? I know it's up in the Japan Alps, so I'm not sure. DSL, Cable, Fiber Optics?
I read somewhere that only major cities are really wired and a lot of Japan still depends on dial-up. I was told there was an internet cafe near the school, and Matsumoto is a big tourist place because of the castle, but I wanted to make sure...especially the areas surrounding it.
High-speed internet access is a necessity for me.

My second question is: How much will I stand out with blond hair? My hair is not naturally blond, but I am planning on dying it. Is this a good idea/bad idea...or no difference?

Third question: Will I be able to use a credit card (Mastercard/Visa) that I got in the U.S. while in Japan? Will there be high charges if I do? I know most smaller shops only accept cash though.

Fourth: Does anyone know anything interesting about Matsumoto City? I read everything I could find online, but was wondering if there was anything special. Will I still be able to get decent seafood there?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
Why is high-speed internet access a necessity?

Why are you planning on dying your hair before moving to Japan?

I have never found a shop that didn't take accept a credit card. Ask your credit card company about charges.

I don't know if there is anywhere in Japan where decent seafood is non-existent.
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