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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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11-16-2009, 09:15 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I say that instead of trying to learn informal Japanese and risking screwing up - just use what you have already learned and then take hints from your friends. It will be safe to talk to them as they are talking to you, so listen and learn. This will give you a much more natural sound in the end.

No one will think badly of you for sounding too formal, and it`s likely that they`ll laugh and tell you if it sounds weird. Better this than try to learn slang or the like from a book and end up sounding extremely odd.
Yeah, I'll never forget the "street slang" book of Japanese that contains phrases such as ざけんなよ and くそしてねろ as slang one ought to learn. Haha! I'd say the first is something you could use occasionally, but holy crap had you better be careful! I can't imagine using the second at all.
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