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12-06-2009, 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by xyzone View Post
Do you think the popularity of the anime designs of all characters looking like 10 year olds is here to stay or will something change? You look back in old school stuff and it wasn't always like that. I think variety was more dominant. I think it all started around the time of pokemon and digimon. I mean much like that, when they all have child frames. And yes, I know not everything is like that, but I mean the dominant stuff out there today, it's at least a very big presence, and I know it's driven by the market. You can't throw a rock without hitting anime or video game where the world is inhabited solely by 10 year olds (of various ages). Do you think other designs will be dominant or is it here to stay? Maybe in 10 years the taste will develop into toddler-like characters? What's your prediction??
Huh, what? What kind of anime you watch? Digimon and Pokemon characters WERE 10 year old, it wasn't the fault of the design. And there are plenty of anime now with adults or more frequently, 18 year old characters.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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