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(#14 (permalink))
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hatsuto11 (Offline)
Posts: 130
Join Date: Apr 2009
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12-11-2009, 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
日本語学習者なのか、それともただの詐欺師なのか、そ ろそろハッキリさせてね。
毎週のように名前や国籍や居住国が変わってるけど、ど うなってんの?

annie1223rさん、ご注意ください。たまにこういうのがい� �すので。過去のこの人物のカキコをご参照あれ。

いかがですか、annie1223rさん。恐らく説明は不要でしょ� �。

To All JF members:

Please be careful of this person (hatsuto11). He has a new name, a new nationality, a new place of residence every month!

He will randomly PM you and offer to teach you Japanese when he's only a beginner himself. He has stupidly done so even to a couple of Japanese members!

Wow! Very funny An advertisement dedicated to me! No problem i can say that i learned a couple of new Japanese words from your post.
But I have only one question: Why don't you add the names of the Japanese people to whom I offered to teach Japanese to your advertisemet?! Could you please list them?! Plus, don't say such stupid things like I change my country or stuff since you can verify my internet IP and know where I am exacly. And as i mentioned in one of the posts above, I am an Israeli and my mother tongue is Arabic. Why can't you understand that there is an arabic minority living in Israel?! What the hell is so difficult about that? As for NY, as i told you once, i formerly liked that state and therefore i wrote it in my profile. Besides, i am not forced to tell you my real homeland since it is none of your business! Takashi is my nickname. Stop your stupid investigation and avoid following me wherever i go like my shadow! お前、分かってるの?最後に、あんたに質問がひとつあ ります。まさえぐ君と話したいと思う。どうしようか?
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