Thread: [Korean] Dbsk
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(#259 (permalink))
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AsianAtHeart (Offline)
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12-27-2009, 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by jdragon View Post

I heard, while in Japan, they were forced to not communicate with each other..but SME denied if of course~cuz there's various ways to communicate. Lets hope its a rumor because I'll go beat the crap outta SM if it is true. You can't do that to the members, they're not animals meant to be seperate from each other. They're one group. If they're gonna fight about it or talk about it, then just let them.
Everything is so complicated...
There was an article on omonatheydidnt (LJ community, join if you haven't already!) about that. For some reason I just love how SME manages to shoot themselves so, so many times in the same foot. It sounds to me like they're trying to force YunHo and Minnie to side with them since YooJaeSu are basically against them.

It's actually pretty hilarious that they still think they can actually separate 5 guys who've spent basically every waking moment together for six years and everything will be okay.

What tripped me out was them monitoring the behavior of GROWN MEN like they're 16. It's like they're not allowed to be friends anymore. *slaps SM* Didn't your mama teach you better????

I'm honestly just waiting for the day they go bankrupt and get the reality check of the decade when HanKyung's case comes through (We shall continue that topic of conversation in the SuJu thread *dashes*).
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