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(#534 (permalink))
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Koir (Offline)
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01-01-2010, 05:52 AM

Originally Posted by YuriTokoro View Post
A Happy New Year!

It was very nice this morning.
We call New Year’s morning “gantan”. During gantan, we eat food called “osechi”.
Pictured below is osechi that I made.
This is not for just one person, but for a family.
Usually osechi has three boxes. We start with the food in the first box drinking “toso" (a sort of sake). The second box mainly has vinegared food and grilled fish. The third box has boiled food.
We don’t finish all the osechi at one time. Osechi includes a lot of food that can be kept for a long time, and we eat it until about the third day. However, eating osechi at each meal is tiring, so after gantan we often eat something else with osechi.

Thank you.

Osechi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Toso - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Looks delicious, Yuri. And quite a lot as well!

Not very much for revisions this time. Most were to clarify the concept that osechi isn't eaten "all at one time" (or completely eaten in one occurance or event), and the three boxes of food is not meant for "just one person".

The second comma was removed after "so after gantan" to keep reading smooth and uninterrupted as that clause leads naturally into the rest of the sentence as a time frame reference. Essentially, it's "occurance/event -- time frame reference -- second occurance/event that modifies first event".

Hope that helps!

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