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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
01-03-2010, 01:05 AM

Sangetsu is very right. Many of the foreigners I knew only hung out with other foreigners, and therefore had a very limited social circle. Japan bashing became their form of personal entertainment and self-therapy. Once that started (after about 6 months) I stopped hanging out with them. It was too depressing.

I was lucky enough to find a pack of locals at a local watering hole who took me under their collective wing, so to speak. I still visit that bar when I am in Japan, even though I haven't lived there is over 10 years. Many of the same guys still hang out there, or at least keep in touch and stop by (like me) when back in town.

Finding Japanese friends was the key to my sanity and enjoyment during my stay in Japan. At first it will probably be people wanting to speak English, and that's OK, as you don't have the Japanese down yet, but finding friends who don't want to speak English with you will be a next big step.
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