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alanX (Offline)
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02-03-2010, 10:23 PM

Great and useful points, MMM.

Of course the last bit is directed straight to me, but I think it all depends on the individual. Not everyone is exactly like you, and has the same mentality as you.

I'll admit, 90 days is quite a long stay for a first real trip to a foreign country.
But it's over a year and a half away, that's where there is no definite schedule yet. I have free accommodation, and that's why I "want to use every minute of it."

Agreed with MMM, if you have a tight time schedule, (I.e: Job) you should definitely spend your time in a foreign country as frugal as possible, and seeing everything you can in regards to your time and or financial limitations.

But as for me, I have no time schedule, therefore my circumstances are different. Not to mention I have loved ones that I will be visiting, and want to spend as much time with as possible.

Just thought I'd clear that up.

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