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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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02-04-2010, 01:32 AM

Originally Posted by metalmark666 View Post
I found the rail pass invaluable, we visited 11 different cities in 21 days with it, plus excursions along the way. I would love to know how much money we saved. Also, we brought ours when the exchange rate was high!!
I would say 11 cities in 21 days is exactly the kind of traveller that should buy a rail pass.

My concern is people think Japanese trains are really expensive, when in reality they really aren't. People that plan on spending a week in Tokyo and a few days in Kyoto and Osaka (for example) will be paying too much if they go for a rail pass. Within Tokyo itself it is hard to spend more than $10 a day, as most trips in the city are under $2 dollars, if planned properly.

Originally Posted by alanX View Post
Great and useful points, MMM.

Of course the last bit is directed straight to me, but I think it all depends on the individual. Not everyone is exactly like you, and has the same mentality as you.

I'll admit, 90 days is quite a long stay for a first real trip to a foreign country.
But it's over a year and a half away, that's where there is no definite schedule yet. I have free accommodation, and that's why I "want to use every minute of it."

Agreed with MMM, if you have a tight time schedule, (I.e: Job) you should definitely spend your time in a foreign country as frugal as possible, and seeing everything you can in regards to your time and or financial limitations.

But as for me, I have no time schedule, therefore my circumstances are different. Not to mention I have loved ones that I will be visiting, and want to spend as much time with as possible.

Just thought I'd clear that up.
Yes, it is directed toward your story, Alan. Since when did you have a free accomodation in Kyoto? Since when do you have loved ones in Kyoto? Am I remembering the story differently.

And Alan, I know not everyone thinks exactly like me, nor should they.

But I know people who have said exactly what you did, and then have come back saying "I ran out of things to do in a month. I was just watching the calander waiting to go home."

Hell, I know people who had full time jobs and lots of friends who essentially snapped after a certain period of time (about 6 months). The two I am thinking of off the tip of my head were sent home by their employers.

People think they know themselves, but you really learn a lot about yourself when you place yourself in a very foreign situation.
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