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(#33 (permalink))
DanielSheen (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 36
Join Date: Mar 2010
03-16-2010, 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by BenBullock View Post

www dot omoshiroieigo dot com

That is about the same kind of thing as 123japanese.
Wow that’s a big insult to my website. That page hardly has any information let alone lessons. My website doesn't just consist of vocabulary there’s a whole lesson page full of EVERYTHING. Verbs, How to congregate them, sentence structure, Particles, Adjectives, everything.

I believe the only flaws are the spelling errors. Lack of kanji and explanation on the stoke order. You people consider Romaji to be the devil. I believe I am going to ad kana to the vocabulary section, because yes, people who are learning these not so common animals should know how to read Japanese. It would be a good tool for those who want to kanji or kana for that "thing". But the lessons, No. Anyone who is learning Japanese isn't going to just jump into learning how to write it before speaking it. Reading it in romaji its the equivalent to being in a learning environment. What I mean is, obviously the website doesn't consist of a person following you around always speaking the language like you would learn as a baby. When your a baby you learn to speak first, then read. Well we can't do the "follow you around and speak" on this website so the only equivalent is reading what you already know how to read.

If you expected every learner to just jump in and learn the kana before learning to speak the language, then a lot of people would stop learning. It doesn't take a week to learn to read. It takes a week to learn the strokes and have them memorized. I know all the hiragana and katakana, but when I pick up a piece of Japanese literature, I read extremely slow, and you have to sound out every bit. That’s because it takes a while to learn to read. In English, my native language, I look at a sign, and you see the whole word, you don't have to sound out "waaalllllmaaarrrrttt" no. you don't even have to read over every letter.

People take a few months to learn how to read, just like you take a few months to know how to read in your own native language. My baby brother who is 6 knows all the alphabet and how to write them, but can he read. No. Barely.

Besides all that, My lessons will remain in romaji because anyone who is reading through the lessons, usually doesn't know how to read fluently in Japanese, otherwise why would they want to read "how to say hello" "how to congregate a verb" someone who is fluent in reading, usually understands what they are reading. so why would they go to the lessons. My lessons are not for advanced students.

Last edited by DanielSheen : 03-16-2010 at 08:23 PM.
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