Thread: China V. Google
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(#17 (permalink))
xyzone (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 301
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-06-2010, 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by frogman View Post
Google is leaving because it refused to abide by Chinese laws, a behavior that will not be tolerated in any sovereign country.Neither will it be in China, neither should it be in China.
Duh. The point is Chinese laws blow dung chunks out a potato cannon and so do many of the consequences and potential consequences of them.

despite Google's intention to violate Chinese laws, Chinese authority has not taken any essential action like forcing Google to leave China. On the contrary, the officials expressed hope for Google staying in China on the condition of abiding by the law. It is Google's own decision to leave China
They essentially took action to force Google out, if not essential action.
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