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Wagamama (Offline)
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04-13-2010, 06:32 AM

Originally Posted by Rauisufirippu View Post
To start with, hello everybody

Me and a friend are thinking lately to visit Japan next summer for about 2-4 weeks.
I'll be 17/18 by then and he will be 18/19.

Never been on my own outside of Europe before.(I'm from the Netherlands.)

I've read some more stuff about a railpass and more.

The cities we wanted to visit are Tokyo, Kyoto and Okinawa. (Maybe other cities too, but we didn't decide yet.)
Do you people maybe know a few things we need to know and how much will the total thing cost us? (I think its about 500-700 euros for a plane ticket each of us.)
And also what are musts to see in those towns?
We both are anime fans, we're going to visit some clubs, check out museums, check out the culture ofcourse.(Temples and more stuff.)
Any more suggestions which we will have to see?
Also will our ages be a problem over there even if our parents agree we're going there?


EDIT: Also, do the internet cafes over there have qwerty keyboards or keyboards with japanese on it? (Maybe a weird question.) O yea and are the outlets over there the same as in Europe?(So I can recharge mobile, PSP, camera n stuff.)

EDIT #2(Prolly more to follow): Will English speaking be enough? I know about 5 words japanese lol.
shucks, go 4 weeks man 2 weeks is never enuff!hahaha.Well i strongly believe ur better off if u learn some simple japanese like,'how much?,please,Thank you' etc.If u do know that much than u pretty can survive.So ur anime/comic fan eh ,than u should prolly head down to Akihabara in Tokyo theres where it is at.Yeah ur age really wont be aproblem iwas there alone at 17 no issues at all.In Kyoto if my memory serves me well there should be a manga museum.If your talking about culture u will get it all in Kyoto as well,Kiyomizu-dera for example.Moving on to the costs,i spent about say 3.5k sg dollars for3 weeks living very comfortably inclusive of accomodations foods i'd say prolly about 2k euro per pax for everything will get u by smoothly for 2 - 3 weeks.Hope this helps
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