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Columbine (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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04-27-2010, 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
It seems they hang out more in Osaka and Tokyo...
That would tally. This was all stuff I heard off of a couple of Japanese guys living in downtown Osaka. Then again, they weren't exactly roughty-toughty hang around after dark sorts either, so I did kind of guess this wasn't their first-hand experience and not to take it all too literally.

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Back long long ago, you could get beat up by the Iranians for not buying their fake phone cards...
Yeah, mugging, beatings and (rarely) attempted arson was the sort of thing I was being told about.

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
On the other side of the river one of those loud irritating motorcycle gangs was apparently gathered and doing their thing... and were really nice in the end.

And... There is a very obvious yakuza house in an area I frequent.
Not that I'm claiming to have much experience with these things, but I was with some friends at a nightclub in osaka and (whilst I was in the ladies) one of the girls was getting pestered by some overly-fresh frat boy and apparently, some yakuza guy (or someone who appeared so anyway) stepped down out the VIP area and was all "Hey, the lady isn't interested. Go away", which was pretty decent of him (if it's true. Girl in question relatively prone to misinterpretation and hyperbole).

Another friend and I also ran into a couple in the narrow section between a crosswalk and the underground car park, who were super polite and stepped aside for us (we had massive boxes destined for the post office at the time) and were all smiles and 'ganbatte'. So yeah, compared to some of the nasty lot you get in London (who aren't even gangsters usually) I don't think they really go out of their way to cause problems for the general public.
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