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kunitokotachi (Offline)
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04-29-2010, 03:28 AM

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
If you want to immigrate here i have no problem with that but you have to do it lawfully those who break the law and are caught need to be identified, finger printed and put on list and sent back to their home country not kept in jail with free food and shelter which will cost tax payers even more money. I believe in reform not the racial profiling which this law will undoubtedly create. I feel for Arizona residents since the Feds have done nothing to fix the problem but this is not right.
Fingerprinting and sending them back to their country is not a severe enough punishment. Would you stop breaking laws if you knew you were just going to be fingerprinted and sent home.

However, you bring up a valid point about costs of incarceration. Arizona Corrections state that is cost $61.74 to keep an inmate each day. That is approximately $22,535 annually per inmate. That is a lot of money. I don't know if there is enough funding to house like 600,000 illegals or how many there are. Definitely, the employers of illegals must be incarcerated.

Here is a link to Arizona Correction's site - Arizona Department of Corrections

Two things I would like to point out. First, Cesare Beccaria (one of the great criminologists) taught us that in order for a society to effectively deter people from committing crimes, the punishment must be severe enough.

Why? Due to the fact that human beings are hedonistic meaning that we seek pleasure and try to escape pain.

He listed two types of deterrents. Specific and general deterrent.
Specific deterrence means that you punish the individual in a way that they don't want to commit the crime again. General deterrence is when we in society as a whole watch someone get punished and that act deters us from then committing crimes.

Unfortunately, sending people back home isn't going to meet that criteria of deterrence. In addition, food and shelter does not equal a good time in incarceration. Prison life is crazy, stressing, and dangerous. You don't know when someone will try to harm, kill, or rape you. Furthermore, most people are not happy with their entire day mandated by someone or happy with the fact that they have completely lost their freedom.

Second, you will have to explain how the law is a racial profiling law. The law just asserts officers can lawfully question people about their residential status. There are many ways an officer can initiate this line of questioning with race ever being an issue. I challenge you to play devil's advocate and try to think of some. I will also list some examples if you need help.


Last edited by kunitokotachi : 04-29-2010 at 03:38 AM.
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