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bluestar887 (Offline)
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Question Oppertunities for me to get a job in japan.. ? - 06-02-2010, 09:05 AM

I know, another one of those threads again, but i'd really appreciate it if some of you would take the time to read this and give me some advice!

I'm a 21 y/o female (will turn 22 in the summer) from Holland. I don't have a University degree. I do have a diploma for a education, but holland's education system is quite different from others I think, so i find it hard to explain this.. Anyway, I do work for a university right now, on a DNA lab ,but I do work that matches my education, obviously.

Okay, so I have been interested in Japan for 5/6 years by now and master a little of the basics.. I'm going to do a course this year and hopefully advance a lot! I've visited japan 3 times for holiday purposes and will return again in 2011. I really love it there..

So, yes. I'd love to go over there and try to get a job, preferably in teaching english, I suppose. Since i'm interested in languages in the first place and it seems great to me . I have a contract right now so this won't happen for the next 2/3 years.. which gives me time to safe up and work on my japanese and teaching skills. (I'm also planning on getting my TEFL certificate and such.)

So my big question is, would I qualify for a working visa, even though i don't have a bachelor/uni degree? Would i stand a chance to find a job in teaching english?

Any tips and advice is more than welcome ~!
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