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(#7 (permalink))
spicytuna (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 667
Join Date: Dec 2008
06-08-2010, 03:57 AM

Originally Posted by Burundo View Post
Actually, I think I may do that. Going to Japan was the main reason for me wanting to try out for the ALT job, however, even though English is still one of my favorite courses (but mostly because I get to write and I love to write), but I'm also pretty good with computers (mostly programming and designing). All I need to know though are the requirements for that besides being fluent in Japanese lol!
How about combining your two passions and getting into technical writing (while obtaining a bachelors degree?)

Join a good solid company, publish some papers/documents/manuals, keep up your Japanese skills and I'd imagine that you'd be very marketable if you decide to make the move overseas. You could always resort to teaching English if all else fails.

I remember seeing a job ad for Toyota last year which involved proofreading manuals. Being a car fanatic, it would've been a dream job but it wasn't enough to pry me from my current I/T job.

Best of luck whichever route you choose!
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