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samurai007 (Offline)
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06-13-2010, 10:28 PM

Originally Posted by Unknown View Post
No not all but majority of the criticism towards him is due to his ethnic background along with any mistakes he unitentionally makes being broadcast almost instantly on the news.No president in the entire US history has ever been under such spotlight but then again their has never been a black president.Just a while back he was thought to have been seen in a rap video and as a result the news was talking about it the whole day until confirming that was not him but rather someone who possessed similar look(s)
And how have you determined that the majority of the criticism about Obama is due to race? Because IMO, very, very little, almost negligible, amount of the criticism against him is race-based. The vast majority is due to his radical, socialist policies, vast overspending, corruption, and incompetence.

Also, Bush was under far more criticism than Obama ever has due to the leftist media in this country.

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