Thread: Deluhi
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spoonybard (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 447
Join Date: Sep 2009
06-13-2010, 10:57 PM

If your a fan of rock music, I suppose at some point, you'll find out about this type of music. There are people in Western metal bands that know more than just Dir en Grey. In my case, I was looking at the toys section of Anime Insider, and I flipped through the magazine more, and eventually found a picture of an interesting looking band that looked like a metal band, and since I'm a metalhead, I checked them out, liked them, and decided to see if I could find more. As for DELUHI and Matenrou Opera, I found out about both on the same day courtesy of iTunes in the most unusual way. I am not going into detail about how that happened. XD Finally, I also find out about bands either because people suggest it, or because I hear them on "radio" stations on the internets. Cure Media USA 24/7 Pure J-ROCK, Check out the new Tainted Reality coming soon, and also by checking out the bands from different record companies.

However, I only talk about bands that I'm interested in, and/or know something about, not "any group someone may mention"; I don't know EVERYBODY, and I don't pretend to, and even though I know a lot about the bands that I DO update people on, I don't think I know EVERYTHING about them; I pride myself in not being an elitist, and accepting anybody and everybody as long as they don't behave like an elitist, and I'm always willing to share what I DO know, and I try to encourage people to listen to this music which is meant for all.

ANYWAY!!! Leda and Sujk will be doing a seminar on the eighteenth of July at Nagoya Communication Art School. They will be talking, have a Q&A session, and a demo. If anybody wants to bring an instrument, they may. This event will be for about 35 people and is free of charge. The reception desk is open from 11:45-12:15, there will be a presentation from 12:15-12:45, and the seminar itself starts at 13:00.

In addition to this, Leda has decided to do a few more seminars by himself at Musician's Institute Japan at these dates and places(open time for all events with the exception of the last date is 18:00, and the start times are 18:30; the time for the last date can be found next to the city):

7/1- Fukuoka City
7/13- Nagoya
7/14- Osaka
7/21- Sapporo
7/26- Sendai; doors open: 13:30, event starts: 14:00

The price for all of the seminars is 1000, and the seminars themselves consist of a demo, Q&A session, and an autograph session, but the only thing Leda will be signing is a portrait made specifically for that event.
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