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07-21-2010, 10:49 PM

Originally Posted by fluffy0000 View Post
fyi 'crippled' US Pacific fleet aftermath of the Dec.7 1941 attack was not 'crippled'. The deepest depth of Pearl Harbor is roughly 39ft. sinking a ship at this depth and remember battleship row is within a stones throw of Ford Island meant with the exception of the Arizona and some minor support vessels. Meant sunk ships and more importantly it's crew members would either be recovered and survive to fight another day. On top of this the japanese attack left intact the dry dock shipyard that serviced the fleet? Again the fuel tank yard located across from battle ship row that provided the Pacific Fleet with it's fuel was untouched also?
The US Pacific Fleet and all navys after 1941' built and operated around aircraft carriers not battleships. None of the US aircraft carriers where in Pearl Harbor during the attack.
Translation japanese attack on Pearl Harbor illustrates poor intelligence and the lost of a strategic opportunity to engage the Pacific Fleet at a later date in deeper waters on the open sea. That would happen 6 months l8tr at Midway.
It would have been crippled if the "real" attack occured.Originally Pearl Harbor was planned by Hitler but since he is known not to keep his word only Japan was present that day.Otherwise casaulties would have been higher since Germany would have came in the form of LuffeWaffe with their pilots having the most experience since majority of them served in WW1(this is why their overall kill rates were so high with some exceeding 300 especially in a dogfight)

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Last edited by Unknown : 07-21-2010 at 10:52 PM. Reason: Sorry about the double post since its not letting me delete
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