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(#113 (permalink))
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CoolNard (Offline)
Yours Rightfully Insolent
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04-06-2007, 06:52 AM

QN: Even if you knew someone was gonna murder your family? A mastermind of an evil organization who kills baby animals for pure entertainment and no one is able to stop him due to lack of evidence? There're a lot of people out there worse than Kira, that i can assure you. Frankly speaking, I'd not hesitate to kill anyone of them if i got the chance.

Kuro: Can you kill a shinigami O.o"?

Rikku: No one plays God and fixes things, that's why the world itself has become so corrupted, there is simply no truly strong central power and discipline to hold it together. The end justifies the means. If i had to sacrifice a million people for a billion people, i would gladly do so, but only as a last resort.
..... Slit your wrists? are you for real? X_X

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 04-06-2007 at 06:56 AM.
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