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Brass (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 83
Join Date: Feb 2010
How attractive do you have to be to get japanese girls? - 09-30-2010, 10:07 PM

I plan on visiting Japan for a week this summer and I'm interested in how attractive a foreigner needs to be to be able to get some one night stand hookups with girls out in the bars and clubs. I hear Japanese girls have very high standards and only like models and such. Is this true?

Also, I am a black man (although I looked mixed with asian), so it's going to be a lot harder for me. What do I need to do to make me more competitive? Should I go casual clean cut or go with a nice suit to make me look wealthy? Or maybe punk rocker? What would look best? Also do the women prefer I keep my hair long or short?

Another thing, I am kind of muscular right now (I'm a body builder) and I know that Japanese girls like really skinny feminine looking guys. Do I need to start losing weight? About what BMI do I need to get at for the girls to find me attractive?