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KungMartin (Offline)
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Posts: 165
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Location: Sweden!
What are my best bets?? - 10-26-2010, 12:10 PM

Hi everyone and thanks for reading my thread. So to give u a bit of background of myself:

I'm from Sweden, and I just turned 20 (july 31st), and I'm currently working at a Subway restaurant (u know the sandwich one). But this is a very temporary job, I've only been working for about a month so far, and I don't have a very long contract.

Besides working my hobbies are Snowboarding (I do this every winter), and I perform a Native South American dance called Tinku alternately Tinkus (more specifically it's from Bolivia, but more generally it originated in the Andes) with my local Bolivian association. So a lot of time goes to practicing this dance.

I'm not 100% Native South American though, only about 25%. My dad is only half, cuz his grandfather was Irish and his grandmother was Japanese (or the other way around, not sure). Besides that the rest of me is Swedish, from my mothers side. But it's mostly in honor of my dad that I started dancing Tinku, cuz he also preformed Bolivian dances when he was younger.

Ok so to get back on the point: this above (besides the last paragraph=P) was just to give u a bit of background on my capabilities and what I can do. Because as far as studies go I don't have a lot to come with FOR THE MOMENT. I flunked out of school when I was about 18 to start working, which I kinda regret now. So right now my only choice is to resume studying I guess (which happens next year).

So my question is, as the situation is for me right now, what are my best bets to being able to travel to Japan (besides buying a ticket with my own money, which I obviously will at one point because no matter what I'm going to visit Japan), for work, or studies or pretty much anything I guess??

What guidlines should I have along the way? Obviously my life mission isn't to go live in Japan, cuz that would be unrealistic. But I'm just saying, what possibilities do I have if I start working upwards from where I am right now?

new input: I forgot to mention that I mentioned my hobbies, especially Tinku, because I thought maybe I could use them to my advantage somehow (because they're not necessarily just casual hobbies, because I take both very seriously and I'm not exactly intermediate). Maybe for example I could perform Tinku in Japan and show some of my dads culture that way (obviously this wouldn't be the reason I would go to Japan in the first place, but just a side thing) also here's a video of what Tinku looks like it something that would be interesting over there??

So if u got past my wall of text, any input will be much appreciated!! Maybe someone who lived in Japan and knows what is liked and disliked, or someone who has a lot of knowledge on Japan and what qualifications are needed to go there=)

Also I know this thread is a little far fetched but really any advice is much appreciated!!

//best regards martin

pz ! <3

Last edited by KungMartin : 10-26-2010 at 04:48 PM.
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