Thread: Country names
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(#52 (permalink))
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JamboP26 (Offline)
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12-13-2010, 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
I've never even seen you write a simple Japanese sentence here. It would rather be your own lack of Japanese knowledge that should annoy you. It's your problem, not our language's. You simply don't have a big enough Japanese vocab, not even one big enough to discuss your own ethnic identity. Lame.

デタラメ言ってんじゃねーよ! お前の語彙力が不足してるだけだろがっ!
I'm not complaining about the language, it's beautiful. I'm just stating the fact, as being Scottish, I hate being called British. This would make it worse because it would be like being called English. But your right, my Japanese vocab isn't big enough, but maybe thats because I started learning recently

I'm a Cafe-kko, Nyappy in the World. But GazeRock is not dead. 「Sixth Gun」です

An Cafe, Vidoll, Versailles, Dir En Grey, Deathgaze, the GazettE, alice nine., UVERworld, Kiryu , YUI, AKB48, Buono!, Berryz Koubou, C-ute, S/mileage, Morning Musume, Zoro, Lolita23Q, Visual Kei, Oshare Kei, J-Rock, J-Pop, Idol groups FTW (≧∀≦)
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