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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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12-21-2010, 01:18 AM

Originally Posted by bluemoonid View Post
It may be inappropriate... yet I did a quick search with 陳列 and 展示 on Google images, and got a faint idea about 陳列 and 展示.
陳列 is to display goods for sales (for example, the items in a shop, a supermarket or a showroom).
展示 is to gather and display all the goods (in a trade fair) or art works (in a museum); and sale is not the main purpose, yet the goods/works can be bought (it depends).
I just have interested in your question, state my idea about it and this is not an assure answer, anyway. I am waiting to be corrected by masaegu, too
That passes my spell test. The kanji of 陳列 seems to be more about laying things out in a row/column (列). 展示 is composed of the kanji for something like "unfold" and "show/point out." So it does seem a bit like the second places a bit more emphasis on the exhibition for learning/edification.

But I just said it passes my smell test, not a native's. So we shall see
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