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(#134 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
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01-02-2011, 03:41 AM

Originally Posted by termogard View Post
It does. Death toll among civilians after V-1 and V-2 hits wasn't so huge by comparison to carpet bombings of Dresden and Hamburg by allied forces.
London and many other UK cities were also carpet bombed during what was known as The Blitz. They lost up around 50,000 people from this bombing campaign. The Germans resorted to V-1 & 2's after losing air superiority in the Battle of Britain.

Ronin's point of two wrongs don't make a right is completely valid. There is rarely clearly defined right and wrong in war but what is completely clear is that it was Germany and Japan that were the aggressors. They were the ones who left their home countries completely unprovoked and decided to invade many other countries which ultimately led to the deaths of 10's of millions of people. So I believe ultimately they have themselves to blame for what occured. Dropping something like an atomic bomb is an horrendous act but in context of the multitudes of horrendous acts that had already been committed during that war I don't see the dropping of the bombs as any worse. I still believe that if not used then the war would have continued much longer and the death toll ultimately would have ended much higher.
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