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masaegu (Offline)
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01-11-2011, 08:22 AM

Originally Posted by Maxful View Post
Also, I am confuse by these sentences.

1. 書類の重要なポイントに印を付ける
mark highlights of a document

2. ×印を付ける
mark a cross

3. カレンダーにその日の覚えとして印を付ける
mark the date on the calendar

4. ペンで○や×を付ける
mark/draw circles and crosses with a pen

First of all, I would like to know why there isn't a need to include "に" before "印" for number 2 and 3?

Secondly, why was "に印" excluded from number 4?
I'll be honest. I don't get any of these questions.

2. Where do you place a に when there is only one noun (×印) in the phrase and it's followed by a を??????

3. Don't you see the に there?

4. Show me a spot where you can put a に there when there is no word describing a place.

印 isn't necessary because the words ○ and × already include it. You can say ○印 and x印 as well if you want to.
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