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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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01-16-2011, 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by p7m13 View Post
Hi all, I'm sure a lot of people are currently studying Japanese on this forum. I've already passed JLPT N4 so I've pretty much got the basic grammar structure memorized but otherwise I'm just wondering about how to go on from there.

I know that grammar is important but it'd be pointless to know a lot of grammar when you don't know the vocabulary being used in the sentence. I feel that even if you don't really understand the grammar you can sometimes guess what is being said if you know the vocabulary.

There's only so much time in a day and it takes time to memorize vocabulary (there are thousands out there) so is it wise to concentrate more on vocabulary than grammar at this point of time?

What do you folks concentrate on when you're studying Japanese?

I'm currently living in Japan so communication skills are more essential at this point of time.

Thanks in advance!
Right now I'm focusing on getting all the joyo kanji learnt. IF you were to transcribe a native's daily speech patterns, it's probably safe to say I already know 90–95% of the grammar used, with some idiomatic expressions, advanced things, and nuances of simple things being lost on me.

But until about six months or so ago, I still had trouble just picking up a newspaper and reading it because I only knew about 1000 kanji, and so my vocabulary was understandably limited. Now I know about 1700 and my vocabulary is probably 5000 words larger.

You're still at the point where you neither know vocab nor grammar sufficiently. You need to determine your goals and then plan accordingly.
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