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(#33 (permalink))
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neothe1 (Offline)
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Location: Waterloo, Ontario
01-23-2011, 06:00 PM

Matsumoto *is* very nice. There's a castle and everything (in fact, I heard that the black "raven" of Matsumoto-jo has some some of contrasting relationship with the white "heron" of Himeji-jo). I wish I'd stayed in Nagoya more, because the circumstances of my life there were quite...difficult. Having said this, it's one of the most green urban centres I'd visited--and it's much more comfortable than Tokyo climate-wise. Now, are we talking about the same Gifu over here?! The way I remember it, it was kind of a dilapidated dump of a city. Mhumm...

SoCal, eh? Nah, I'll take the "cool and rainy" Vancouver weather any day over any of this. You should try Vancouver. You'll never leave!

As for 雷雪, all of the dictionaries I have give me two separate kanji ("thunder" and "snow"--so I'm guessing "thunderstorm"?) These kanji are really pretty. I like the symmetrical ones, or the ones with straightforward meanings: 詩 is my favourite. "Voice temple"--what can be more beautiful?
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