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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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02-16-2011, 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
The number of immigrants in Canada is minute when compared to that of the US. The number of illegal immigrants residing in America is more than 18 million, or more than half the total population of Canada. If you add first generation legal immigrants, the number far exceeds the total population of Canada. Even on a general percentage of population, the number of immigrants in America is roughly triple that of Canada.

Prime Minister David Cameron of the UK stated flatly that "multiculturalism has failed".

President Nicolas Sarkozy of France stated flatly that "multiculturalism has failed".

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany stated more than flatly that "multiculturalism has utterly failed".

The problem with multiculturalism is the quality of the cultures being introduced. In some cultures, beating or killing your wife or daughter is perfectly acceptable. Should this type of culture be acceptable in America or Europe? Some cultures disdain education, and the high school drop out rate in America from these cultures is more than 50%. Should this kind of culture become the norm in America or Europe?

I worked in law enforcement for 10 years, the number of immigrants arrested and imprisoned in America is highly disproportionate. Although recent immigrants to America make up about 5% of the population, they are responsible for roughly 15% of of murders committed in the country. In terms of all forms of crime, the number is 20%, meaning that immigrants are 3 to 4 times more likely to commit crimes than non-immigrants. Though recent immigrants make up only 5% of the US population, they represent 27% of all criminals incarcerated in the federal prison system.
That's just completely bullsh*t.

Culture isn't defined by "beating your wife or daughter" or the "disdain of education".

Culture itself is a work in progress.

And like I said before.. the leaders of France, Germany and the UK are elected conservative party leaders of their governments, giving speeches to their base.

It would be like quoting George Bush saying "Mission Accomplished" and taking his word for it on his authority.

As for your experience in law enforcement. While immigrants may be over-represented in crime statistics, what percentage of immigrants can you say actually participate in criminal activities? Because THAT'S the statistic that will prove if multiculturalism is a failure.

If the majority of immigrants are law-abiding citizens (like is the case here) then you have a long way to go before you can say it has failed.
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