Thread: Lolita Complex
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02-23-2011, 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by Ghap View Post
How strange!

lolita=children...somone should mention that maybe...yes Ive seen the films even Leon.

point is in a forum like this its a style!
Ghap, there is the "Lolita style" which is quite acceptable in some circles, but even that is look at with some disapproval by older people who know the term "Lolita Syndrome/Complex". They are not the same thing, though both took the name "Lolita" from the same rather scandalous literary work.

The only community I can cite that would tolerate someone they knew to have a Lolita Complex is the Leather-S/M-Fetish community. And even they will tolerate it only as FANTASY, not reality. It is only role playing by adults and costuming - just like the Lolita fashion statements. Once that boundary between fantasy and reality (and informed consent) is crossed, even that community will not tolerate it.

No civilized society accepts sexual use of children.

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