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(#13 (permalink))
lazylightning (Offline)
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Posts: 5
Join Date: Mar 2011
03-16-2011, 06:28 PM

1. Gastroenterology
Functional gastrointestinal disorders: dyspepsia (digestive difficult), food intolerance, food allergies, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, flatulence accompanied by postprandial bile ispepsii, belching, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste, side effects from medications;

Digestive disorders caused by stress: Irritable Colon, anorexia, bulimia, gastrointestinal spasms

Chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, acute and chronic enterocolitis of different etiologies: food poisoning, infectious enterocolitis, intestinal viral infections, specific infections (dysentery, rota-virus infections and cytomegalovirus, typhoid and paratyphoid.

Colitis and ulcerative colitis and biliary dyskinesiaВ cholestasis. Acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure

In patients with erosive-ulcerative inflammatory and digestive tract, ENTEROSGEL accelerates the repair and regeneration of membranes in the lamina propria of the mucous membrane.

In cases with peptic ulcer, ENTEROSGEL contributes to the eradication of Helicobacter pylori as part of a complex therapy.
In intestinal flora disbiosis contribute to normalization of flora in 12-14 days.

ENTEROSGEL improves the overall condition of patients, significantly reduced the duration of dyspepsia and pain, reduces fever and normalizes the gastrointestinal motility.

2. Nephrology, urology
Acute and chronic renal failure
Dismetabolic Nephropathy
Urologic Infections
In patients with nephrological disease, complicated by chronic renal failure, ENTEROSGEL significantly reduces acidosis and azotemia.
After 12-14 days of therapy with ENTEROSGEL, creatinine and urea values decrease 1.7 - 2.2 times, restoring the hydrocarbon potential of the blood and improving renal aminogenesis.

Read study: Optimizing treatment of patients with chronic renal failure

3. Surgery
Inflammatory processes (purulent) and septic, trauma, peritonitis, burns

Preoperative and postoperative complications and prevention of toxemia.
In the acute surgical pathology of abdominal cavity (peritonitis of various etiologies) ENTEROSGEL adsorption property reduces the microbial content by two times in the abdominal cavity so reducing the number of postoperative complications and paralysis.
In patients with intestinal infections, it normalizes the body temperature from the first day of use and normalizes diarrhea the next day.

4. Oncology
- Pre-and post-operative
- Detoxification during radiotherapy, chemotherapy
- Treatment of recurrent diarrhea and its prevention
ENTEROSGEL helps the body eliminate heavy metals, radionuclides, providing radiation protection during specific treatment.

Read experimental study: Evaluation Report: ENTEROSGEL in eliminating radionuclides from pigs.

5. Allergy - dermatovenerology
Food Allergy
Atopic Dermatitis
Allergic rhinitis
Pemphigus (blistering rash, fever).

Including ENTEROSGEL in complex therapy of asthma helps reduce or prevent worsening of disease severity, increasing the duration of remission, normalizing immunological and respiratory parameters. Using ENTEROSGEL allowed asthma patients to to reduce (some patients quited) the period of antihistamines

In patients with influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, ENTEROSGEL adsorbs viruses and destroy their toxic products, facilitates recovery and prevents complications.

In the treatment of atopic dermatitis and other skin alergodermia a positive effect is observed after 2-3 days. ENTEROSGEL relieves itching and stabilizes injuries. In the absence of new elements, wet rash inflammatory process improves in 6-13 days.

6. Obstetrics Gynecology
Pregnant toxemia
Placental dysfunction
Vaginal infections and chronic nature of acute bacterial, fungal and viral.

7. Toxicology
Food and alcohol Poisoning
Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Intoxication with salts of heavy metals

8. Dentistry
In general oral hygiene, as well as:

9. Prevention
Body Detoxification
In diets
Sports Medicine - because it is not metabolized or absorbed into the bloodstream, ENTEROSGEL can be used by athletes to improve detoxification and body functions

10. Metabolic Diseases
Metabolic Diseases
ENTEROSGEL helps to balance glucose and lipid metabolism. The regeneration of mucosal immunity in the gut rehabilitation, ENTEROSGEL ensure a better assimilation of nutrients, eliminate toxins accumulated from drug metabolism and prevents the development of chronic complications of diabetes.
In Dislipidemia, ENTEROSGEL - reduces toxemia, reduced triglycerides by 46.7%, cholesterol by 9% -21%, aterogenity index up to 60% depending on the initial state.

11. Veterinary ENTEROSGEL

ENTEROSGEL can be administered to animals.

ENTEROSGEL improves the evolution of infectious diseases, allergic diseases, gastrointestinal disorders (ulcers, diarrhea), poisoning of various etiologies, removes radionuclides from the body, pesticides, etc..

ENTEROSGEL accelerates healing wounds, trophic lesions, stimulates immunity, reduces toxemia and decreases side effects caused by antibiotics.

Directions: Internal use in dogs and cats, each 10 grams 1-3 times daily, mixed with water or food, or administered with a syringe.

In cattle and pigs ENTEROSGEL 0.5 g / kg, 3 times per day.