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JF Ossan
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04-02-2011, 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by Kozyra View Post
Why you focus on the numbers? I do not care about the number, the important thing that the U.S. military killed civilians.
The U.S. government killed many people in Iraq and Afghanistan recklessly, this is proof that The U.S. government does not give a humanity value to the Iraqis, and there are some of the soldiers killed some Iraqis for fun, this is what concerns me.
I am not focused on the numbers, I am focused on your errors. If your sources tell you two million people have been killed by US forces and that 1000 people were killed in 9/11, then what other misinformation are you spreading around.

The Iraqi military has killed civilians and Al Quada has killed civilians as well, and every life is a precious as another. It is war, and war is hell. I don't think you can safely come to the conclusion you have come to without applying that to every player in the game.
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