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(#98 (permalink))
BobbyCooper (Offline)
Posts: 489
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Germany soon East Asia
04-07-2011, 12:17 AM

Originally Posted by RickOShay View Post
Dude, you are like ignorant of your ignorance, that is astounding. You think that you have all of Asia figured out after just 6 months, and spending time with just a few people? Think about it, are you really all that knowledgable? The things you keep on saying, just makes me feel, like the other posters, is you are going to be hugely disappointed when you realize your assumptions are very wrong about Japanese society, I'm not talking about the rest of Asia because I do not presume to know about places that I have never lived, sure I have/have had Chinese/Korean friends/acquaintances but I do not feel that makes me an expert on Chinese or Korean culture, I do dare say I know a thing or two more than the average person about Japan though since I have spent 7 years of my life here and interacted with probably 1000s of Japanese by this time.

In any case I will point out one thing you will be in a shock for... you think asians do not discriminate.. I guess you have never seen any "Japanese Only" THE ROGUE'S GALLERY: Photos of places which refuse non-Japanese in Japan.. now I do not particularly like this guy and think he is kind of a d-bag about what he does.. but this is a very comprehensive collection you might want to look at, and maybe revise your position a bit.

Perhaps I misunderstood what you said earlier.. I thought by saying you wanted to be Asian.. that you wanted become a citizen of xxx asian country and assimilate into society. But if you want to just exist in Japanese society that is fine, you can do that, but make no mistake, you will not be able to assimilate, you will not be treated the same as everyone else. You understand this right? Because it sounds to me like you think that you will accomplish something more.. somehow find your perfect place in the world in Japan, even though everyone else will see you as out of place.
DUDE.. I've shared the most private situations you couldn't even imagine and even my bed with Asians from Korea, Japan, China and Thailand. I've spend 24 hours a day with these lovely poeple and this for a period of 6 long months. I've shared everything in that time, even my most secret affairs and you smart-atleck come in here and want to tell me I would know nothing about Asians? Yeah take a guess..

How about you learn how to read first? Where did I say I would knew how life is like in Japan or any other Asian country? I do know how life is in South-East-Asia, however I do not pretend to know these countrys either. I said, that I know Asians nothing else! So please Don't try to mock poeple on this board.

When I visit this place here, I do not want to get into heated debates.. my life is way too short for this kind of rubbish on the Internet. I want to educate myself about the most interesting Asian country, which just happen to me Japan for me.. thats all. And I find it facinating to read from people who actually made the move and live a happy life over there these days like RealJames for example.
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