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JF Ossan
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05-03-2011, 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
So what? Any person charged with a criminal offense has the right to a trial by jury. He could have been convicted of crimes against humanity and been sentenced to death. "A trial would have taken years" is no excuse. Justice is a human right everyone should be granted, whatever the crime.
I am not trying to justify it, but he was very open about his role in 9/11, and made threats to continue terrorist attacks. That goes beyond criminal behavior to active acts of war.

I do not know what happened in the moments up to bin Laden's death, but I am not hearing an outcry saying he should have been arrested rather than killed. Are you there?

It isn't dissimilar with the cremation of Hitler and the spreading of his bones to random places, so Nazis would have no shrine to their hero (if that is really what happened).
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