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Suki (Offline)
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05-04-2011, 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Suki, you ask me if I believe in Justice, while ignoring my questions.
Ok, sorry about that.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
That being said, governments have engaged in "shoot to kill" missions all over the globe. Are these never justified? Is a clear shot at Osama bin Laden, or Hitler, or other not "suspected" but "known" war criminals not justified?
Legally justified or morally justified?

I don't see the point in shoot-to-kill missions unless there's no other way to get a hold of the person they are after. If Bin Laden was fighting back then sure, it's only right to defend one's self and the shooter could claim he was only shooting cause he was being shot at. But I'm afraid this was not the case. Why do you kill someone you can put on trial and let a jury judge the evidence against him? Did President Obama say he wanted him dead rather than alive? Because if they were able to shoot him dead, they would have been able to overpower him and take him out of the country for him to be properly tried and punished according to US laws.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
When an admitted mass murderer says he intends to keep killing and keep killing, and he has a 25 million dollar bounty on his head, is that the same? Or has he given up his basic human rights when he so openly and brazenly swipes not only the rights, but the lives of so many thousands?
Yeah, I'm not arguing that! I'm saying WHY kill a criminal when you have the chance to capture him and have him tried in court?

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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