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Kozyra (Offline)
Son of the Desert
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05-23-2011, 08:24 PM

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
I will bet you my entire years salary that not only are you mistaken about 95% of your post. But im also willing to bet that if the US disappeared tomorrow not only would you still have the same problems but things would be worse.

Theres is a trend in the Middle East that has lasted for thousands of years it has never changed once you figure that out you will have your answer. Btw i do not rely on mass media as my information source. Im a lot smarter than that i am also not blinded by my governments seemingly overwhelming call for justice and the American way. I however can see a situation from many different sides i suggest you try the same.

good luck to you and your people i think you are going to need it iv got news for you. If violence continues to escalate you are going to have a major problem in your country
Well, do what you want, I have strong evidence on what I say here, I have friends from the Gaza Strip and friends from Iraq, living with me here in Aleppo ....... I do not want form a United States to go away, I want from U.S. United to stop lying , and I want from U.S. United to be equitable and exercise their activities in peace ..... For example, if bin Laden was a terrorist and a murderer because he killed innocent people, it must also be considered Israeli government a terrorist state because it killed alot and alot of the Philistines , and destroyed the homes of millions using an American machines , can you deny that?
As well as the United States be held accountable all those responsible for the killings in Afghanistan and Iraq and Palestine, and to be be equitable in dealing with the Palestinian issue, and recognize the right of peoples to resist occupation.
Well , about my country, my country is dying , there are many communities in my country more than Iraq, it is difficult to describe the situation here, and it is difficult to find a solution to this crisis, ... And at the same time .... I can not bear this situation ..... it can not not be described in words and phrases.....Sometimes I can not believe what my eyes see ......I want to speak but I can not .....

Last edited by Kozyra : 05-23-2011 at 11:00 PM.
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