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05-31-2011, 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
Yeah they're just as Canadian as I am.
There's no assumption of nationality based on skin color in Canada.
If I see an Asian person in Canada I usually assume they're Canadian and speak English just as well as I do, for example.

I didn't consider such people to be foreigners, they're citizens as I am.

The same is true in Japan but to a much smaller extent than Canada.

In Japan it's a safe bet to generalize and assume someone's nationality based on skin color, the cases where you'd be wrong are very few.
In Canada if you tried the same thing you'd get a rude awakening.
Well hello fellow Canadian lool. Where you from? I'm from Ottawa but currently residing in Edmonton because of school, I study at the University of Alberta.

Anyway what you said is pretty true....BUT! There's always a but lol. When you're a visible minority like myself (I'm black) and I am the son of two Somali immigrants, born and raised in Canada so it's only natural for me to consider myself Canadian. I speak both languages of the country fluently and when I meet someone (usually older folks) they ask me where I'm from and I answer Ottawa.....then they're like: Where are you REALLY from?! As if I'm any less of a Canadian....but stuff happens

Anyways back to the topic. I think it will have a backlash on the Dutch's tourism...A lot of ppl I know go visit there because marijuana and prostitution is legal.....
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