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Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
06-17-2011, 05:51 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
Jaydelart I couldn't care less if you are offended by my comments about christians. If you wish to believe in fairytales about gods then you deserve ridicule as far as I'm concerned.
Plus I referred to religious fundamentalists not all religious people. Do you believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old? Do you believe that dinosaurs and humans lived during the same periods? If your answer to either of those questions is yes then you are an absolute idiot. If your answer is no then maybe there is some hope of you seeing the light one day.
Stop believing in fairytales and get into the wonders of science for real enlightenment!
That's pretty rude. No manners towards the "nutters", eh? Classy.

No, sir, you're pretty close, there may be diminishing hope for the likes of me. I can, in fact, appreciate the possibility that the world is merely thousands of years old, instead of billions. I can, in fact, appreciate the possibility that dinosaurs co-existed with humans. I may be an absolute idiot. But I would rather be an idiot, capable of appreciating new ideas, while also having the capacity and humility to acknowledge the wonders we have already established as true than a closed-minded bigot. Science and Christianity aren't enemies; they do not necessarily negate one-another... The interpretations of people do. If you can agree with this concept, then, ultimately, you would realize that you're just as bad as any radical, religious "nutter". Proclaimed intelligence shouldn't excuse treating people badly.

I'll keep my fairytales, thank you.
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