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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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06-18-2011, 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by Maxful View Post
Hi, could someone kindly explain to me the differences between どうしたらいいですか, どうすればいいですか and 困ったな?
Hard to translate perfectly out of context since they're all so flexible and can be colloquial, but this should give you a general explanation:

To the best of my knowledge, the first two are 100% interchangeable. They both mean "what should [i] do?" (literally: "if [i] do what, is it good?") You should study the 〜たらいい grammar structure. And then note that 〜ばいい is practically the same. There might be some nuanced difference, like 〜ばいい sounding slightly "nicer" or "more formal" (but maybe 5% more at most) than 〜たらいい.

As far as 困ったな, 困る means "to be troubled" and な is the sentence-ending な that is like the sentence-ending ね. So 困ったな is basically "that's a problem" or "I'm in trouble, huh?" or "You're in trouble, huh?" or "uh oh." “困ったな”の検索結果(8 件):英辞郎 on the WEB:スペースアルク
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