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JF Ossan
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07-20-2011, 07:36 PM

Originally Posted by shoutaro View Post
Reading back on this still confuses me as ever. Hello all, I'm back. I've spent this past year working at getting my high school diploma, and guess what. I got it. Nothing stated here is clearer than it was a year ago. I still don't know what to do, or where to go, or how to be to accomplish my life. I've managed to get up one step further, so, I guess that's better than naught. Recently I've been debating the whole college scene. I know I can't afford it on my own, but I'm pretty sure there's an alternative for the whole money aspect. I don't know what to teach, as I don't know what jobs will guarantee me access to Japan. What do they need over there? I'm still working on learning the language (slowly I might add, as I'm not the brightest). I don't want to go to college, and afterwards realize that I'm not needed. I know I'm going to get responses like "do what you like" or whatever, but that's not what I'm asking for here. Anyways, here's hoping for some more delectable insight. (inb4 weeaboo insults)
Realistically, your fastest path to a long term working life in Japan is a college degree. You could start at A CC and work your way up. Some will say "just go and find a job" but that is risky with no guarantees. Right now what marketable skills domyou have?
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