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(#8 (permalink))
Gokiburi (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 33
Join Date: Jul 2011
08-16-2011, 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
, its just the other passenger that drove me crazy.. but then, I guess that has noting to do with the airline
It hasn't. Folks travelling together are usually seated together. When travelling on your own you're subject to the big seat assignment lottery.
Check-in computer usually does that automatically.
Sometimes you draw a bad (boarding)card and need to spend long hours beside someone eager to chew your ear off while you're trying to sleep, or is already asleep and snores so loud that you can't get your eyes closed.

Guess everybody who did a few long-haul flights has a tale to tell about fellow passengers...

Can't blame the airlines. Can't step out for break either...

And while you're suffering, the pilots might hve thmeselves a good time :

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