Thread: Patriotism
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Kayci (Offline)
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08-21-2011, 10:54 PM

Originally Posted by DragonNL View Post
Just curious.. and I know, what you want to do is your own business but,
Soldiers kill, they take life. Everytime they´re on the battlefield they could take away someones husband, someones father.
How in the world can you thank soldiers?? It should be clear that trying to extinguish a fire with a flamethrower isn´t going to work...
Because originally, they are doing it to protect us. Some soldiers are not great men, its true, but they fight for the right for me to say "i disagree with my government".

its because of the original soldiers that risk their necks for my country, rather than the people who actually run it. Its just for me. My uncle nearly died in vietnam, and he is one of the most wise people I know and respect.

Dont forget, someone else's father could also kill someone else's son. Its nasty on both ends, I do not deny that.

Coffee prevents me from killing you.
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