Thread: Some Questions
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crosso (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 7
Join Date: Sep 2011
Some Questions - 10-30-2011, 11:47 AM

Hello everyone,

I have a few questions about possibly moving to Japan.
First things first, some info: I'm 17, and Australian. I visited Japan last year (2010) for 2 weeks with my Japanese class (I've been learning Japanese for two years) and I absolutely loved it.

I have to make some decisions in the next 3 months regarding my career.
The university I'm going to has a diploma of languages which i plan on taking up along with a bachelors degree of 3 years, making it a 4 year course.

I can't decide which degree though. I was thinking teaching or business. Teaching would allow me to possibly be an english teacher in Japan for a while and then return to Australia and be a Japanese teacher, where as business would make more money in the long run, but probs won't help in getting a working visa for Japan

So I need some advice. What course do you recommend I take, teaching + japanese or business + japanese. Either way, Japanese course is only 1 year long and I also plan on accelerating my linguistic skills by learning Japanese outside of university.

I was also thinking of deferring my university for another year to take another holiday to Japan by myself or with just one friend to determine how well I'll make it without being in a huge group of travelers like my last trip there.

What do you guys think?
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