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Thunderstorm (Offline)
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Question regarding yukata- crossdressing - 10-30-2011, 02:26 PM

Hello =),

I couldn't think about a better title, but my question is as followed: I like wearing Yukata at special events, at home, or just during the summer in general. However, being female I absolutely do not like women's Yukata and I prefer wearing the male version, that's how it has always been, even when I was a child.

Yes I am 3/4 japanese, but apart from when I was a young child I did not grow up in Japan, I do not know the language anymore and don't go there very often, which means that I am not so familiar with the customs.

Next year I want to travel to Japan again and I am going to be present at some events, where I want to wear a Yukata. Since it's traditional clothing, I am wondering if a greater majority would find it rather offensive if I am wearing clothes of the opposite sex. I absolutely adore the male Yukata from Vice Fairy .
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