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BakaCrisis 08-31-2008 07:27 PM

What is the one thing you HATE most about anime?
What is the ONE thing that annoys the hell out of you in anime.


The cop out (vague) ending.

In the animes I've seen, it's most prevalent in harem animes. Instead of growing a pair and just choosing a girl for the main character to be with, they're so afraid of alienating the fans of the other girls that they just end it with the male lead being "more than friends but less than lovers" with ALL the girls, because the male lead doesn't want to hurt any of the girls feelings. Harem animes are my favorite, but it's getting to be that they all end the SAME WAY! They are losing my interest because there is never a relationship formed at the end. It's always the same cop out ending.

Harem animes aren't the only perpetrators in this. This seems to be a growing trend in anime I've seen. The writers leave the ending vague for the viewer to "draw their own conclusions". I DON'T WANT TO DRAW MY OWN CONCLUSION!!! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT F***ING HAPPENS!!! If I wanted to draw my own conclusions, I'll write a fanfic. I want to know for a fact what happens to the characters and their relationships.

There is nothing that pisses me off more than one of those vague cop out endings.

Tyrien 08-31-2008 07:28 PM

Fankids, definitely obsessive fankids.

ForeverDreamer 09-01-2008 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by BakaCrisis (Post 573531)
The cop out (vague) ending.

I'm so there with you. The Inuyasha ending made me so mad >.>

Um, I guess I'll have to say jealous fangirls. Like the Prince Yuki Fanclub from Fruits Basket. I hate that they're mean to (most likely) the heroine just because she's closer to their bishounen -_-

Ronin4hire 09-01-2008 11:07 AM

North American English voice acting.

It sounds so unnatural! I'll stick with the subtitles and Japanese audio thanks.

sara666 09-01-2008 11:39 AM

lol the ending to inu-yasha made me wanna like...break somethin :) well..that and i woke up at friggin 5 in the morning to watch it! i guess there id the wndings that leave u hanging...like in wolf's rain..incase u havent seen it i will be very vague...WHAT THE FUCK FRIGGIN HAPPENED?!?! im with u on the "i dont want to draw my own conclutions!!" i need to kno exactly what happened or i get mad at the creators..oh i also hate when my faverite character dies..lol but thats not theyre fault heh

Jaydelart 09-01-2008 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 573959)
North American English voice acting.

It sounds so unnatural! I'll stick with the subtitles and Japanese audio thanks.

I agree, for the most part... But some of the original voices for Dragonball Z and GT kind of annoyed me.

What do I hate most about anime?
Do you mean anime in general or in specific animes... ?

Eitherway, it would have to depend on the anime in question. Generally, I don't hate anime; the basic concept is: I watch what I like and not what I don't.

But ~ to avoid being completely difficult, if I were to give an answer, it would be that they end.

Salvanas 09-01-2008 11:43 AM

Fangirls. I can stand fanboys, because I can smack them one in the jaw if they get annoying too much.

But fangirls. Oh, my, dear, god.

iTwisted 09-01-2008 12:32 PM

Flashbacks! :mad: It's ok if it's a scene from the life of a character when he/she was younger and you have never seen it before. But I mean the flashback scenes of stuff you've seen before and then like a hundred times again in more flashbacks -__-. It happens alot in Naruto for example :P

SakuraSan 09-01-2008 12:53 PM

Definitley the dubbed versions. The annoying voices make me want to smash things up.

kaelazors 09-01-2008 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by ForeverDreamer (Post 573957)
I'm so there with you. The Inuyasha ending made me so mad >.>

Um, I guess I'll have to say jealous fangirls. Like the Prince Yuki Fanclub from Fruits Basket. I hate that they're mean to (most likely) the heroine just because she's closer to their bishounen -_-

yeah that inuyasha ending was pretty horrible >< i heard the manga ending is bad too =[

the thing i hate most would have to be how it's not real life T.T

Merisa 09-01-2008 05:25 PM

What i hate the most is.. those character's who are to much annoying as hell!
Like Renge from Ouran high school host club or Misa from Death Note. They're so.. so.. too much hyper and fangirlish.. :\

Yuk :chikasfrown:

kireikoori 09-01-2008 05:30 PM

I hate how all the guys are so perverted, always getting punished for it.
And how all the women are acting chaste and like sexuality is the worst thing ever.

Uhhhhh....hello..this is the 21st century isn't it?

allie2590 09-01-2008 05:48 PM

The cliched love triangles. I can't stand them. Too much drama.

MissMisa 09-01-2008 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Merisa (Post 574049)
What i hate the most is.. those character's who are to much annoying as hell!
Like Renge from Ouran high school host club or Misa from Death Note. They're so.. so.. too much hyper and fangirlish.. :\

Yuk :chikasfrown:

Hey! Misa is a great character! ^_~

Altaru 09-01-2008 11:43 PM

I don't care much for dubs (with the exception of the Ghost Stories dub. the english writer people made it funny as hell, lol), but they're not the worst part.

The worst part is that they END!

I think someone else already said that, but...

I hate endings...

kaelazors 09-02-2008 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Altaru (Post 574250)
I don't care much for dubs (with the exception of the Ghost Stories dub. the english writer people made it funny as hell, lol), but they're not the worst part.

The worst part is that they END!

I think someone else already said that, but...

I hate endings...

omg i know what you mean!! it's like i watch a whole series, fall in love with it, and then it ends and i'm like wait.. now what do i do?! lmfao

Wednesday 09-03-2008 06:04 PM

Genres. I hate loli- and shota-con! No childporns!!!

In generel. Hm... endless love-scenes like this: "I love"-"No, I love you more!" - "No, I love you MORE!"-"Noo-o, I love you mooo-ore!" etc. Gooooood!!!!
And of course, thanks Akira, endless dialogues between characters before the fight, like in Dragonball:
"I will punch you-ou!"-"No, I will punch you more!"-"No-ooo, I will punch you mooo-ore!" etc. Oh my goooood!!!

Aota 09-03-2008 06:36 PM

The nasty, overweight otakus that wear small outfits at Cons. *shudders*

mangapunkrocker 09-03-2008 06:41 PM

what happens at the end of inuyasha? was it a bad ending? i hate it when you buy all the anime series and then you watch the ending and you stare at the screen and rewind and stand up and yell "What the hell this was all?" and you feel all dissapointed cuz you thought it was going to be a better ending....i hate that....just like fruits basket....they should have gone on...and i hate it when in the anime the girl always has to try the hardest and the guy is just waiting..jeez it's like the guy has to try hard to to get the girl...

Merisa 09-03-2008 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 574071)
Hey! Misa is a great character! ^_~

Yeah she is a great character but she is so.. so.. anoying.. i have pity with Light XD always that Misa wants.. Misa likes Light aloooooooooooot..
Seriously.. why talking about yourself as a 2nd person?

About the end of Inuyasha
its not fair! the ending.. SERIOUSLY..
i would never come to know how it ends between kagome and Inuyasha..

sakari09 09-03-2008 06:53 PM

What do I hate most about anime? All of the freaking DRAMA FILLER EPISODES!!!!!!!!!!!! They are soo annoying. I like it when the storyline moves!

mangapunkrocker 09-03-2008 06:54 PM

i heard they just stopped making it cuz the anime caught up with the manga which a no-no and they're going to keep going...

sailorkittehxoxo 09-08-2008 07:07 PM

When the sex scenes are graphic @_@

Cechtrun 09-08-2008 07:07 PM

when they're synchronised in english or german... it sounds so odd

kaelazors 09-08-2008 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by mangapunkrocker (Post 575364)
what happens at the end of inuyasha? was it a bad ending? i hate it when you buy all the anime series and then you watch the ending and you stare at the screen and rewind and stand up and yell "What the hell this was all?" and you feel all dissapointed cuz you thought it was going to be a better ending....i hate that....just like fruits basket....they should have gone on...and i hate it when in the anime the girl always has to try the hardest and the guy is just waiting..jeez it's like the guy has to try hard to to get the girl...

omg the ending to inuyasha was just horrible >< i was seriously just like 'WTF!' for a week after watching it lol

YumiTaka 09-08-2008 08:31 PM

Thing I hate most about anime, the foriegn peopel who ask me questions all time of anime. Japanese girls my age do not watch anime really any more. So sometimes it bothers me that only they talk about anime and not other thing

Yuna7780 09-08-2008 09:01 PM

I hate it when people just won't shut up over one show. When people talk about Naruto, Bleach, and other shows obsessively, I bang my head on my desk until it bleeds. (not really)

sakari09 09-09-2008 02:51 PM

I used to do that about Inuyasha...and then it ended and I died with it..good thing there's books like Twilight. LOL

Luciferos 09-14-2008 06:42 PM

Filler Episodes

kwkyori 10-20-2008 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 573959)
North American English voice acting.

It sounds so unnatural! I'll stick with the subtitles and Japanese audio thanks.

so fucking true!!

bobigo 10-20-2008 01:39 AM

when they dont go anywhere...... they just drag on for 2/3 dics on the same issues..... but i watch them alll anyway cause the ending is always worth it...

:) :)

KyotoTEA 10-20-2008 01:42 AM

The one thing I dislike about anime is how they'll take a picture, put it to music and just sort of move it across the screen. Like, nobody moves, or blinks, but there's thinking dialogue or something.

bobigo 10-20-2008 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by KyotoTEA (Post 611005)
The one thing I dislike about anime is how they'll take a picture, put it to music and just sort of move it across the screen. Like, nobody moves, or blinks, but there's thinking dialogue or something.

amen to that dude :)

Kenta21 10-20-2008 02:18 AM

Some of the one i really like watching were so short.

Yuna7780 10-20-2008 02:21 AM

Fangirls/boyz. O_O

angelbott 10-20-2008 02:44 AM

I don't like what some anime/manga hater fans of any animes, fillers ep., and many things and etc like "OMG!! I hate her/him/it alot and I want __________ dead right now!!!" it's annoying now...please shut up and keep their minds... =.=;; I not like abuse animes 'cause stupid kids or adults hurt, throw, and kill pets like as dogs, cats, birds, and others they think it's funny hurt them >.< Abuse is never OK/NOT FUNNY....They are very stupid =.=+

reihiino 10-20-2008 02:58 AM

underwear flashing...like in Negima...the manga was the same too...& of course from the high school female characters...dubs usually annoy me, & some of their voices...ick...

superheel 10-20-2008 04:18 AM

Well, one thing i hate is i've never seen a horror anime, i mean the Ju-On horror type.

orodreth8 10-20-2008 12:45 PM

I hate when my favourite characters die :( like Asuma in Naruto manga ch 328 :(

Drend 10-20-2008 06:54 PM

The fanbase of some of the shows.

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