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(#301 (permalink))
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06-30-2007, 07:03 AM

Originally Posted by Acidreptile View Post
Well I don't care if people make fun of anime so I could make fun of Spongebob if I wanted.But I actually don't,I think it's ridiculous,but I don't bother anyone that likes it with that.And maturity,dude,you won't find it anywhere.The whole world is quite immature.

I guess my comment was more for Teggoshi who was upset that people at his school made fun of him for liking Anime, but then was able to turn it around and make fun of something else.

And maturity. Yes, you can find it all over the place. The whole world is not quite immature. The world of Japan Forums is, I am sad to say, rather immature, though.
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(#302 (permalink))
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06-30-2007, 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by krizzy6660 View Post
stop caring then???

If we didn't care, why would we post here?
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(#303 (permalink))
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07-01-2007, 01:56 AM

atleast ive tried to watch sponge bob..
thts all im saying.. dont judge it without trying it out..
my friends told me to watch sponge bob bcus i havent been watching tv at all.. thts y i tried to watch it..
thts all my point.
if i try wtever u like, u shud try wt i like and not judge it bfor u watch it.
i didnt judge sponge bob bfor i watched or else i wudnt kno wt the story is mainly about. ive seen the shows, the episodes, and i was actually forced to perform it as a play!
and u say tht im acting just like those other ppl? yes, i may b making fun of another show, but my background is way different. they havent tried watching it at all! and by me saying tht theyve only seen the crappy-way-too-girly ones, i mean theyve seen the comercials...... i heard one of them say "i was watching something and the gayest thing popped up on my television screen! it was called..... fruits basket and the other one was prince of tennis" this guy deffinately didnt watch it since he called it gay, plus, knowing tht this guy is in my class, ive already even [i]confirmed[i] tht he didnt watch it by asking him during school... im not like them
ps im a girl who likes tegoshi. im not a guy

Don't CRY because it ENDED. SMILE Because it HAPPENED.

From my previous account, AnimeFreak:

Anime is like a relative...
You cry for it...
You yell at it...
And sometimes... you might even hate it...

Yep. I'm AnimeFreak. I forgot my pass and trying to reset my pass was confusing so I made a new acount.
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(#304 (permalink))
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07-01-2007, 05:29 AM

Originally Posted by TegoshiKawaiiDesu View Post
atleast ive tried to watch sponge bob..
thts all im saying.. dont judge it without trying it out..
my friends told me to watch sponge bob bcus i havent been watching tv at all.. thts y i tried to watch it..
thts all my point.
if i try wtever u like, u shud try wt i like and not judge it bfor u watch it.
i didnt judge sponge bob bfor i watched or else i wudnt kno wt the story is mainly about. ive seen the shows, the episodes, and i was actually forced to perform it as a play!
and u say tht im acting just like those other ppl? yes, i may b making fun of another show, but my background is way different. they havent tried watching it at all! and by me saying tht theyve only seen the crappy-way-too-girly ones, i mean theyve seen the comercials...... i heard one of them say "i was watching something and the gayest thing popped up on my television screen! it was called..... fruits basket and the other one was prince of tennis" this guy deffinately didnt watch it since he called it gay, plus, knowing tht this guy is in my class, ive already even [i]confirmed[i] tht he didnt watch it by asking him during school... im not like them
ps im a girl who likes tegoshi. im not a guy
Tegoshi, you almost got my point. I am not saying you should like Sponge Bob or not like Sponge Bob, or like anime or not like anime.

I am guessing you are a little younger than me, so please take this as a grandfatherly observation, and nothing more.

I can understand being annoyed at "anime discrimination" but the nice thing is that the older you get, the less you have to deal with it.

When I was younger what I liked helped define who I was and who I hung out with. Now that I am out of school and have a family of my own, society defines me more by my job and my marital status than by my hobbies (unlike middle school, high school, and even college). I have friends who are really into sports, but that isn't my interest. I have friends really into wine, which is a so-so interest of mine. I have friends really into cinema and Hollywood gossip, and I have a lot to talk to them about. I don't really have friends into manga and anime (outside the people I have met as a reviewer) and that's OK.

You know what you like and don't like, and that's all that matters.

There are titles I like and those I don't.

For example, I didn't like "Until the Full Moon". I am not into yaoi, yaoi-lite or gender-switching and sexual-ambiguity. It just doesn't appeal to me. I try not to review those kids of titles, but when I do I always try to make an opinion based on the story and presentation, despite my feelings about that genre. (And I always try to say "I am not into yaoi or gender-bending", as I think it shows I am not trying to be, nor can I be, totally unbiased.

That's the long way of saying if you don't want people to make fun of you for what you like, your first counter-argument shouldn't be to make fun of something they like.

The funny thing is your need for a thick-skin is when it's the thinnest in life. And by the time you stop caring about what people think about what you like, people stop caring about what you like, and will like you for you.
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(#305 (permalink))
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07-01-2007, 06:34 AM

I've discovered where anime discrimination comes from!!!
I think that it might of started like this... older people know of other certain anime that was bought into the western world and was quite naive in it's presentation, mainly (back then) 'lip-sync-ing'. Like racism (obviously ), discrimination can carry through families.
Does anyone else remember Speed Racer, AstroBoy or Kimba the White Lion? I'm only talking about late 80's...I watched it in the mid 90's.

I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you. Ghost In The Shell
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(#306 (permalink))
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07-01-2007, 06:53 AM

Originally Posted by tobi13 View Post
I've discovered where anime discrimination comes from!!!
I think that it might of started like this... older people know of other certain anime that was bought into the western world and was quite naive in it's presentation, mainly (back then) 'lip-sync-ing'. Like racism (obviously ), discrimination can carry through families.
Does anyone else remember Speed Racer, AstroBoy or Kimba the White Lion? I'm only talking about late 80's...I watched it in the mid 90's.
I think there might be some merit to what you are saying. I think when you say "older people" who associate "Japananese animation" with titles, these are a couple of the big ones. "Older people" who know these titles may not know the term "anime".

Moms and dads that know the word "anime" today probably tend to link it to Speed Raceer, sure, but I am also thinking Pokemon and maybe some titles that are more associated with younger kids (and maybe titles that aren't even from Japan!).

But know that anime discrimination is probably WORSE in Japan (believe it...or DON'T) With greater access comes greater problems...
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(#307 (permalink))
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07-02-2007, 06:30 AM

Well, sometimes it comes from racism.
XD Mostly, though, people don't like it because they think it is cartoon. (from the looks of it; though anime seems more advanced in the drawings)
Some of my friends (usually Koreans and Chinese -rarely Mexicans-) have a certain feeling towards the Japanese. My sister's friend's mom feels as though her daughter might abandom their Chinese beliefs from being obsessed with Japan. I also know a Korean named, Minjung, who hates the Japanese. When she sets her eyes on an Asian that she thinks is "ugly," she would say "Is that a Japanese person!?"
I think it is pretty disturbing, but lucky for me, I have unbaised friends to support me. They were also Koreans so they could've easily said that the girl that Minjung thought was ugly is in fact a Korean. (which was true)
Well, yes, I guess its KIND OF because of racism of Japan's history, but I'm not sure if it is the main reason people judge it horribly.
(Um... I haven't heard much about Japanese people being racist. I don't see WHY they would even be racist. I think they base their racism if you are a beginer/tourist. Other than hearing that information, they seem to welcome you nicely. I'm thinking that it was only because of the past history of why people are against them. If you are nice to them, they will most likely be nice to you.)

Don't CRY because it ENDED. SMILE Because it HAPPENED.

From my previous account, AnimeFreak:

Anime is like a relative...
You cry for it...
You yell at it...
And sometimes... you might even hate it...

Yep. I'm AnimeFreak. I forgot my pass and trying to reset my pass was confusing so I made a new acount.

Last edited by TegoshiKawaiiDesu : 07-02-2007 at 06:33 AM.
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(#308 (permalink))
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07-02-2007, 08:34 AM

Originally Posted by TegoshiKawaiiDesu View Post
Well, sometimes it comes from racism.
XD Mostly, though, people don't like it because they think it is cartoon. (from the looks of it; though anime seems more advanced in the drawings)
Some of my friends (usually Koreans and Chinese -rarely Mexicans-) have a certain feeling towards the Japanese. My sister's friend's mom feels as though her daughter might abandom their Chinese beliefs from being obsessed with Japan. I also know a Korean named, Minjung, who hates the Japanese. When she sets her eyes on an Asian that she thinks is "ugly," she would say "Is that a Japanese person!?"
I think it is pretty disturbing, but lucky for me, I have unbaised friends to support me. They were also Koreans so they could've easily said that the girl that Minjung thought was ugly is in fact a Korean. (which was true)
Well, yes, I guess its KIND OF because of racism of Japan's history, but I'm not sure if it is the main reason people judge it horribly.
(Um... I haven't heard much about Japanese people being racist. I don't see WHY they would even be racist. I think they base their racism if you are a beginer/tourist. Other than hearing that information, they seem to welcome you nicely. I'm thinking that it was only because of the past history of why people are against them. If you are nice to them, they will most likely be nice to you.)
If people don't like anime because they don't like Japan, then there isn't much we can do about that. It's really sad, but ... oh, well.

I think the last couple generations of Japanese are pretty internationally-minded and encourage meeting other people from other countries, but older generations are more racist. Part of it is because Japan is an island, and for many years they didn't allow entry or exit, so they got into a certain mindset. Suspicion of foreigners is a common approach for older folks in Japan, but that was what they were taught.
Of course, that is a stereotype, and I have met many older people in Japan who were happy to meet me, as I was to meet them. But I have also been shunned and given dirty looks by especially elderly men...which I can understand.
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(#309 (permalink))
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07-03-2007, 01:41 AM

The only discrimination I have experienced with anime is from my dad...he has never really watched anime, yet he calls it "Japanese crap"...Although he has seen a little bit (as in a few seconds) of DBZ and FMA, but he doesn't seem to realized not all anime is as violent...and in the case of FMA, he doesn't like all the swearing, even though he watches other shows that are just as bad... He makes me so mad!!
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(#310 (permalink))
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07-03-2007, 08:18 AM

Originally Posted by animefan18 View Post
The only discrimination I have experienced with anime is from my dad...he has never really watched anime, yet he calls it "Japanese crap"...Although he has seen a little bit (as in a few seconds) of DBZ and FMA, but he doesn't seem to realized not all anime is as violent...and in the case of FMA, he doesn't like all the swearing, even though he watches other shows that are just as bad... He makes me so mad!!
From Bing Crosby to Elvis to The Beatles to Saturday Night Fever to ... anime. Every generation has something the older generation can't understand. Maybe for a certain section of society here, that is anime.
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