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SamuraiAlchemistNinja 10-23-2006 03:30 PM

How Awesome Is Trinity Blood?
Hey, anyone out there newly or already addicted to Trinity Blood? Tell me my Little Ones, who is your favorite character? Mine is definetely Leone! (sp?) Anyway, feel free to rant about TB here! (Hey did any of you notice that the initials of my name "SAN" spell "san" which is three in Japanese? Bet you didn't!)

aphrodite 10-23-2006 03:38 PM

hey trinity blood is awesome here is a picture for you thank aphrodite for this picture

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 10-23-2006 03:43 PM

Tanks a whole bunches!
hey thanks for the visual lmao sweetness with a juicy anime core full of the flavor of blood! lol...anyway...*cough cough*...

aphrodite 10-23-2006 03:45 PM

whats with the cough cough cuz

Tanishu 10-23-2006 04:28 PM

trinity blood.. oh my gosh...
dude trinity blood is so awsome.. don't you think so??? i think its so cool... and where did that picture come from aphradite???? its pretty cool too................ n e ways i think its just fine and i hope the (cough cough) wasn't an inscentive... jk!!!!!!!! ttyl lol

much love,Tanishu Yajukai

aphrodite 10-23-2006 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Tanishu (Post 1936)
dude trinity blood is so awsome.. don't you think so??? i think its so cool... and where did that picture come from aphradite???? its pretty cool too................ n e ways i think its just fine and i hope the (cough cough) wasn't an inscentive... jk!!!!!!!! ttyl lol

much love,Tanishu Yajukai

i found the picture will i was looking up trinity blood and i thought i was cute so i kept it

here is another one i guess it isnt as good as the other though

Vesperd 10-23-2006 09:15 PM

Awesome pics, did you draw it? :) and yeah trinity Blood is great.. everythings great with my standards!

MasterHien 10-23-2006 09:32 PM

well i havnt seen trinity blood but from what i heard everyone been saying it a great series

Kanji_The_Wanderer 10-23-2006 10:07 PM

There showing it on cartoon network in English. For anyone who has cartoon network and wants to watch it in English. The dubbing isn't bad. I'm kinda surprised.:cool:

aphrodite 10-24-2006 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Vesperd (Post 2041)
Awesome pics, did you draw it? :) and yeah trinity Blood is great.. everythings great with my standards!

i wish but my pictures arent that good

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 10-24-2006 02:10 PM

the *cough cough* was because...I have an odd obsession with blood...it's sorta an inside joke. Hey guess what I LOVE LEONE I LOVE LEONE HE IS AWESOME! He's got the dangerousness, the sweetness, the temper, and just he is so freaking PERFECT (to me, anyways) *sigh* wish he were real...I also wish I could get some pics...I'll post some pics later on promise~promise!!;)

aphrodite 10-24-2006 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by SamuraiAlchemistNinja (Post 2130)
the *cough cough* was because...I have an odd obsession with blood...it's sorta an inside joke. Hey guess what I LOVE LEONE I LOVE LEONE HE IS AWESOME! He's got the dangerousness, the sweetness, the temper, and just he is so freaking PERFECT (to me, anyways) *sigh* wish he were real...I also wish I could get some pics...I'll post some pics later on promise~promise!!;)

at times i wonder about u lol

xjrockerxnekox 10-26-2006 04:06 AM

I actually bought the whole series in Houston in a store at the "Hong Kong Mall", it's all in Japanese with subtitles though, it doesn't have any options on it for English. I must say I am very addicted to it, I love all the characters and the animation is great. At least I think so =^.^=

Kanji_The_Wanderer 10-26-2006 04:07 PM

I laughed one time I remember watching that show when a guy(forget his name) wanted 13 sugars in his tea. The girl he told it too was startled. Haha it was funny.

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 10-27-2006 03:46 PM

Yeah, I promised some pics...but I'm not in the mood...but I've got an awesome one of Abel and um, Maya or Maria (I'm tired, I can't remmber her name..:confused: ) But yeah, watch it on [adultswim](cartoonnetwork) Its a great series...and I think it's doing just as good in english as in japanese!!:D

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 10-27-2006 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer (Post 2694)
I laughed one time I remember watching that show when a guy(forget his name) wanted 13 sugars in his tea. The girl he told it too was startled. Haha it was funny.

That was Abel, (the guy) and that other girl would have to be either Wendy or Mays/Maria...mmm I love sugar, but...13 is too much for me, I'd have to stop at 9 or 10...lol

Kanji_The_Wanderer 10-27-2006 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by SamuraiAlchemistNinja (Post 3170)
That was Abel, (the guy) and that other girl would have to be either Wendy or Mays/Maria...mmm I love sugar, but...13 is too much for me, I'd have to stop at 9 or 10...lol

yeah! her name was Wendy. Thanx for clearing it up :D

even 9 sugars is too much for me. I have to stop it at least 5...

samurai_yotashi 10-27-2006 05:38 PM

oh yeah, that show is awsume!

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 10-28-2006 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer (Post 3215)
yeah! her name was Wendy. Thanx for clearing it up :D

even 9 sugars is too much for me. I have to stop it at least 5...

what's life without a little sugar? Yeah...if I had more than 5 I'd most likely get sick...but I'd enjoy it!:D Yes, I'm odd...or so They tell me...lmao...
*sigh* and why...grrr...sorry this is on my mind--> guys younger than me annoy me (why can't they be like Leone from Trinity Blood? Why...?) I swear...even guys my same age sorta annoy me...I guess I'm a little too mature...or not...lol...I mean, I love having fun!...and a little stupidity here and there is alright, but all the time? Does the word "serious" ever occur to them?? <--- sorry!! Back to the awesome Trinity Blood...yeah...it's awesome...!! (and I am not saying ALL guys are annoying, just a great many. No on here, though, which is good...!)

Unregistered 10-28-2006 12:18 AM

trinity blood

Originally Posted by SamuraiAlchemistNinja (Post 1912)
Hey, anyone out there newly or already addicted to Trinity Blood? Tell me my Little Ones, who is your favorite character? Mine is definetely Leone! (sp?) Anyway, feel free to rant about TB here! (Hey did any of you notice that the initials of my name "SAN" spell "san" which is three in Japanese? Bet you didn't!)

hellz ya! trinity blood rocks! I like abel nightroads vampire form ( his human form is gay!)

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 10-28-2006 12:20 AM

Here's the pic I promised!
1 Attachment(s)
kudos to Astaroth_san for this!!:D

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 10-28-2006 12:22 AM

tell me do ya like it? That's Leon(e) on the left end!~!:D :D :D :)

CrazyMilk 10-28-2006 12:34 AM

hmmm... the begining is quite good ^^
I love Nightroad priest XD
and his comical situations...
the action scenes are really good...
but I think I didn't like the end of it XD
dunno... I think it could finish in some other way ^^;

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 10-30-2006 04:22 PM

I noticed this: if you look at the white cross-thing for a couple of seconds (on the pic up there^) it seems to glow or blink...hmmm...maybe I just need sleep...:rolleyes:

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 11-01-2006 11:22 PM

lol and gomen nasai...

Originally Posted by SamuraiAlchemistNinja (Post 3718)
I noticed this: if you look at the white cross-thing for a couple of seconds (on the pic up there^) it seems to glow or blink...hmmm...maybe I just need sleep...:rolleyes:

I can't believe I actually wrote that...lol...hey what's up with this did everyone ditch talking about Trinity Blood? Is there nothing else to talk about...? How about my strange obsession with Leon(e)? And someone told me they found what I said earlier to be slightly offensive (about guys) but obviously they did not understand what I meant! And, correct me if I'm wrong, I DID say that no one on this site was like that, did I not? I was merely talking about the guys at my previous and current school...the ones who harshly call anime "just some stupid Japanese cartoons no different from Scooby-doo" so I'm sorry if I offended anyone...gomen nasai...:o

Kanji_The_Wanderer 11-02-2006 04:45 PM

No one posted that you were being offensive, so dont worry about it.

aphrodite 11-02-2006 06:51 PM

cuz u need to stop double posting and if u like trinity blood why havent u come my site i just put a trinity blood theme on
Anime Heaven - Home

kudo 11-02-2006 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by SamuraiAlchemistNinja (Post 1912)
Hey, anyone out there newly or already addicted to Trinity Blood? Tell me my Little Ones, who is your favorite character? Mine is definetely Leone! (sp?) Anyway, feel free to rant about TB here! (Hey did any of you notice that the initials of my name "SAN" spell "san" which is three in Japanese? Bet you didn't!)

can't say i know much about this. and not on my current list to get to either. lol.
i thought you were tlaking about blade trinity when i skimmed past this thread. ^^;

so out of 10..what would you rate it?

SasukeUchiha 11-04-2006 05:28 AM

Trinity Blood is one of best anime iv ever seen.

kudo 11-04-2006 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by SasukeUchiha (Post 5588)
Trinity Blood is one of best anime iv ever seen.

lol, soo...10/10? :p

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 11-06-2006 03:00 PM

I definetely give it a 10/10 and you should watch it, kudo, it's a good anime!:D

aphrodite 11-09-2006 01:54 AM

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 11-09-2006 03:09 PM

I was going to post that picture,but it said it was too big...that's not fair I'm clueless w/the html/jpeg whatever whatever stuff!
>but cool pic, I have it on my computer at home!:D

aphrodite 11-10-2006 01:33 AM

wouldnt dought it lol

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 11-13-2006 06:07 PM

It's Gunslinger! yay and it's 'doubt' silly

aphrodite 11-16-2006 01:50 AM

are u coming over this weekend

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 11-21-2006 03:28 PM

okay, look:
#1: that has absolutely nothing to do with the alimighty TB
#2: no
#3: you are coming over for Dimetri's 6th b-day, remember?
And also that newly introduced character from last Saturday on adultswim ROX hardcore monkey balls! <--mine:D /COLOR]

May 11-26-2006 05:51 PM

I saw Trinity Blood last nite I think it's was totally awesome!!!!!

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 11-26-2006 06:54 PM

Yes, of course it's awesome! I have been recording all the English episodes from day one. I am only missing one TB episode and two Bleach espisodes (I was at a PennState football game and the other is my VCR's fault!)
That little vampire (can't remember his name) is cute and the other dude is kinda hot...lol! (From last night's episode...#30 I believe it is)

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 12-21-2006 12:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Yes, Ion is cute here's apic-->

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