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(#161 (permalink))
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yumyumtimtam (Offline)
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09-10-2010, 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by Sashimister View Post
意味わっかーへん!  ほんだけど、こういうとこがヤムやんのかわいいラン ダムさだわな。モテ方をよー知っとる。横浜の女性の特 徴だわな。ワシも東京におった時、よう同僚議員たちか ら「横浜の女には手を出すな」とバドワイザーされとっ たわ。あれっ、アドバイス?まあどっちでもええわ。ワ シが横文字弱いの知っとりゃーせるやろ。

横浜では成人式の時アリーナで女性だけ『これであなた もりっぱな横浜ガール。各都道府県別対応 モテ方ガイ ド』っていうのが配られるんですよ~。

名古屋出身男性との話しきゃた・・・え~っとぉ、75 8ページから130ページもあるので何でものってます よん hahaha

↑(http://translator.live.com/ で英語訳したら
M going car なんで??? しゃ=車 しかわからない・・・

言える。ただし、資格的な事が満たされとれば、あるい は今後そういう資格が得られる可能性があるのならそう 言える。
THEをつけるとそう言う意味に取られ兼ねんな。しか し言語っちゅうもんは文脈の中で表現の意味が常に変化 していくもんだでよー。こういう言葉数の少ない質問に 対し簡単にイエスかノーかとか答えられんな。
「だったらな~」的な意味なら使わん方がええぞ。Would love to be, would like to be あたりを選択しといたほうがはるかに無難だな。Want to be を使うと、相手は「ああ、その可能性があるんだ。」と 思うでな。
そっか~。私の日本語の使い方も問題かも…私の「だっ たらな~」には「どうやったらなれるかな~」みたいな 気持ちが入っちゃってたかも…。
want to be/ would like to be使い方気を付けます。
英語は動詞の言語だでよ。そこに気付いて対処せんヤツ はいつまでたっても「翻訳英語」の使い手のままで終わ るで。
自分の頭の中で日本語で考え出したらなんだかよくわか らなくなってきました・・・。
やった~ \(^^)/ これで私もふつ~の名古屋のおばさんじゃ~ん

私が「ほいで(それで)」って言ったら、ものすご~く 笑われたって言うシーンがあるんです。 私はなんで笑 われたのかわからなくって~。
「なも」の使い方は複雑だぞ。フランス語の n'est-ce pas と基本的に同じ意味だな。つまりワシの言葉で言う「半 疑問文」だな。形式的/文法的には疑問文だけど、話しては聞き手が同意してく れるという確信のもとに訊いとる訳だ。英語で言う tag questions の中で、下がり調子に発音されるものがこれに 相当するな。
ひぇ~っ フランス語ときたか~・・・
同じではないけれど長野弁にも「~するしない?」なん ていうのがあるんですよぉ。あ~日本語パニックになっ てきた。
もし分かりにくかったら今度市役所でな。手取り足取り でレッスンさせてちょ。

そう、それは言える。その人の状況を知っとる人には通 じる訳だ。
だから言語は奥が深いんだわな。人間関係、その場での 文脈、抑揚、本気か冗談か・・・などの全ての条件が関 係してくるから奥が深い。ほんだでワシみたいな能天気 な男には言語は向いとらんっちゅー事だわな。グワッ、 ハッ、ハッハ。
すっごい・・・なんだか河村市長の動画が浮かんじゃっ た なも
デャージョーブだて、ヤムやん。英語なんか知らんでも 国会議員にも大都市の市長にもなれるんだで。
じゃぁ英語の勉強や~めよっかな~。(横浜弁リズムで� �)なも



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(#162 (permalink))
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yumyumtimtam (Offline)
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No worries? - 09-10-2010, 11:20 PM

Do you use "No worries" ?
I heard people saying it very very often when I was in Australia and I thought it's an typical Aussie English,
but I found "No worries" in here
YouTube - 50 first dates part 4 (around 8:14)

So I just wonderd if there's any other area
people use "No worries" sometimes or often...

Anyway, have a lovely weekend
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(#163 (permalink))
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09-11-2010, 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
Do you use "No worries" ?
I heard people saying it very very often when I was in Australia and I thought it's an typical Aussie English,
but I found "No worries" in here
YouTube - 50 first dates part 4 (around 8:14)

So I just wonderd if there's any other area
people use "No worries" sometimes or often...

Anyway, have a lovely weekend
I don't use it myself, but I have heard other people use them.

Have a great weekend too, yumyumtimtam!

Fortunately, there is one woman in this world who can control me.

Unfortunately for you, she is not here.

"Ride for ruin, and the world ended!"
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(#164 (permalink))
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09-11-2010, 03:31 AM

Originally Posted by Koir View Post
I don't use it myself, but I have heard other people use them.

Have a great weekend too, yumyumtimtam!
Do you mean other people=the people living around you in the US?
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(#165 (permalink))
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09-11-2010, 04:16 AM

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
Do you mean other people=the people living around you in the US?
Canada, actually. But yes, from time to time I've heard it spoken.

Fortunately, there is one woman in this world who can control me.

Unfortunately for you, she is not here.

"Ride for ruin, and the world ended!"
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(#166 (permalink))
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09-11-2010, 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by Koir View Post
Canada, actually. But yes, from time to time I've heard it spoken.
Im sorry! Yes you are from Canada. I don't know why I get the image of you are from the USA...?! but Im sorry.

I see.

Can you tell me some useful,typical Canadian spoken words?
I'd love to use it to my Canadian friend in Japan, to make him

Thanks, and have a good weekend
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(#167 (permalink))
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yumyumtimtam (Offline)
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09-12-2010, 08:20 AM

1) Can you say the alphabet backwards?

and if yes, how did you learn that? Any song of it? or just memorized it?

2) Can any one correct this?

"How many digits of circular constant(pi) can you say?"

"(3.141592653589793238462643383279 )I can say 30 digits"

"say" and "digit" are the right words here?

Please leave your questions about Japanese if you have any
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(#168 (permalink))
ColinHowell (Offline)
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09-12-2010, 11:50 AM

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
1) Can you say the alphabet backwards?

and if yes, how did you learn that? Any song of it? or just memorized it?
I could do it, but I'd have to think about it, reversing the order in my head, and I might make a few errors along the way because of that. I've never heard a song of the alphabet backwards, nor have I ever bothered to memorize it.

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post
2) Can any one correct this?

"How many digits of circular constant(pi) can you say?"

"(3.141592653589793238462643383279 )I can say 30 digits"

"say" and "digit" are the right words here?
Those words are fine. Personally, I would use "repeat" or "recite" instead of "say", but "say" still works. Other than that, I'd rewrite this only slightly:
"How many digits of the circular constant (pi) can you say?"

"(3.141592653589793238462643383279) I can say 30 digits."
You're talking about a specific, unique circular constant, so you need to use "the". But it would be simpler to say "How many digits of pi ...". To most people, "pi" always means the number, and the context makes it clear that you're talking about a number.

A picky point: always use a space before a left parenthesis "(" and another space after a right parenthesis ")". But that's a rule of typography rather than one of English.

Personally, I only remember the first 6 digits of pi, which is all that you need for most purposes; beyond that I just look it up. Being able to recite 30 digits is a neat trick, but if you think about it, that's a level of accuracy that's incredibly far beyond anything you might ever need. It's roughly one atom's width on a circle 10,000 light years across--nearly the size of a galaxy! So the modern practice of seeing how many digits of pi you can remember (or compute) is done strictly for the mental challenge or for mathematical interest.
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(#169 (permalink))
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yumyumtimtam (Offline)
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09-12-2010, 01:06 PM

Originally Posted by ColinHowell View Post
I could do it, but I'd have to think about it,reversing the order in my head, and I might make a few errors along the way because of that. I've never heard a song of the alphabet backwards, nor have I ever bothered to memorize it.
Hi ColinHowell, how are you today?

Thanks!!! I thought no one would anwer to my silly question

I know it's not so useful, but the kids love to challenge silly stuff sometimes!
So for the native English speakers, saying the alphabet backwards isn't easy right? It's good to know!

Those words are fine. Personally, I would use "repeat" or "recite" instead of "say", but "say" still works. Other than that, I'd rewrite this only slightly:
"How many digits of the circular constant (pi) can you say?"
"(3.141592653589793238462643383279) I can say 30 digits."
You're talking about a specific, unique circular constant, so you need to use "the". But it would be simpler to say "How many digits of pi ...". To most people, "pi" always means the number, and the context makes it clear that you're talking about a number.
Oh, I see.
" repeat " ? I didn't think this word can be used here.

A picky point: always use a space before a left parenthesis "(" and another space after a right parenthesis ")". But that's a rule of typography rather than one of English.
Oh thanks for being picky! I appreciate that!
Personally, I only remember the first 6 digits of pi, which is all that you need for most purposes; beyond that I just look it up. Being able to recite 30 digits is a neat trick, but if you think about it, that's a level of accuracy that's incredibly far beyond anything you might ever need. It's roughly one atom's width on a circle 10,000 light years across--nearly the size of a galaxy! So the modern practice of seeing how many digits of pi you can remember (or compute) is done strictly for the mental challenge or for mathematical interest.
Yeah, this is another stuff we don't really have to memorize, but I tried it when I was arond 10. The teacher made us " race " (or compete?) to memorize it, and it was fun.

I actually use the numbers(digits) for my email address so I don't get any junk emails!

Thanks ColinHowell, have a good day!
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(#170 (permalink))
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09-12-2010, 07:29 PM

There was a very funny show that taught me- sorta- the backwards alphabet =D

My Life Sucks- The kids I babysit have drooled, ripped or drawn on all of the cards and put the cars with the little people in the microwave!

I have no Friends- The cats have scratched and destroyed all of the DVDs!

I always owe someone- In fact I put two os in it!

I always ruin my clothes with Bleach!- The show is so dom suspensful I spill my grape soda on them!

But . . .I'll live.
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