
View Poll Results: Are you proud of your country?
Yes 133 56.60%
No 102 43.40%
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(#301 (permalink))
Saffron (Offline)
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12-24-2008, 03:19 AM

No I'm not proud of my country (England). My heritage is mixed , 4 varities and I have never felt like I belong not even as a child. If I left England to live in another country, I don't think I would come back here.
(#302 (permalink))
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12-24-2008, 03:21 AM

I love America. I see it like she's my girlfriend, we have our differences, but we love each other no matter what. Plus Japan is looking kinda hot right now, and America is cool with it. Maybe someday just maybe... Ménage à trois

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12-24-2008, 09:09 AM

I like Australia, even though I haven't been anywhere else to compare it to... yet. The people are kind and sometimes it seem as if they put there social lives above there jobs. I friend of mine told me that Australia has one of the highest records of sick days taken but really everyone is just down at the beach . I don't know if those statistics are true but I wouldn't be surprised if they were.

(#304 (permalink))
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12-24-2008, 09:18 AM

I am definately not proud of my country. America is way too over-rated, and the government here thinks they are the world police or something. I hate it here so much. The only good thing about America is this is where Texas is. Other than that, I would not miss this country if I left.
(#305 (permalink))
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National Pride? - 04-23-2009, 11:19 AM

Okay a quick explanation first I think. I just discovered that today is St. George's Day. A day of celebration towards the patron saint of England. Something that we should make a big fuss over. I mean, you get St. Patricks day where people ALL over the world celebrate by drinking copius amounts of alchohol/Guiness for no other reason than its an excuse for it. But thats not the point.
The point is that I believe that we (the English/UK) as a nation have lost all sense of who we are. We cant celebrate anything without possibly offending someone. Take the incedents at the G20 Summit (I think thats what it was) last week. 90% of it was peaceful until some idiot decided to cause trouble. But thats a completely seperate rant about the media.

Back on topic: I'm proud of the nation and culture I come from, even though its offensive to say that . We have so many things that are great about the nation and its a shame that we cannot actually celebrate it properly.

So now your wondering if I'm just venting some anger and rage at life in general, and if so why I'm doing it on a forum supposedly devoted towards all things Japan. Simple, as always with me I have a question:
Do you still have pride in your respective nation/culture, no matter what it may have done in the past?
And if your in Japan (though still get back to me even if your not) how do you celebrate your heritage and history?

Well, thats enough of a rant for me. Laters all.

(#306 (permalink))
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04-23-2009, 11:34 AM

Well I totally understand where you're coming from.^^
I'm from Belgium and I'm proud of it! xD
I know it's a small country that's currently a little screwed up but it still has so many beautifull nature spots and the history behind some buildings are just .. WONDERFULL. I could just spend hours and hours walking around taking pictures with my friends on thee places..

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(#307 (permalink))
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04-23-2009, 11:41 AM

I know exactly what you mean. But I just wonder why it is that the ordinary (and I use that term in the vaguest possible way considering some of the people around. Like me) person feels that they've lost the right to express it.

That and I'm always curious about something or other.

(#308 (permalink))
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04-23-2009, 11:50 AM

yeah! I can't understand that some people seem almost ashamed of where they come from.. (well that's how I see it here where I live) We have diferent provinces here and some people actually look down upon people becasue of where they live. It's wierd how different people can be, even if they are from the same country and live maybe 3 hours MAX away from each other. I have friends all over the country and even outside of it and it's curious hwo different they all are.
That and I'm allways looking for something.. I can't figger(sp? x3) out what it is but I allways had a need to go somewhere just to see the culture.. That's why I hope my parents will let me go soon.. They seem reluctant to let me.. *tears*

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(#309 (permalink))
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04-23-2009, 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by TheLastFortnight View Post
I mean in essence it's the same question from that other thread.
Yes, yes it very much is. I must have missed that topic before I opened this one, since I know people on here hate useless threads opened repeatedly.

Sorry about that outburst, I didn't actually see that one when I was looking through some of the older threads. But then again (and at 37 pages long I dont have the time to check) did it also ask this question:
...how do you celebrate your heritage and history?
This is something that I'm ineterested in, if only becuase I'm in a funny mood right now.

And yes, all those stuff about nationalism, like anthems, flags, patriotism, I think it sucks, give me a break, we all know what happens when someone take those things until the last consequences, right?
Well, no actually I'm not sure what your getting at. Would you care to explain a little more please?

@TenmaAi: are we related somehow? Or are you secretly spying into my brain, becuase you've hit the nail on the head as it were.

(#310 (permalink))
darksyndrem (Offline)
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04-23-2009, 12:00 PM

Wait, did you say people just use St. Patrick's as a reason to drink? Do you know the story behind St. Patty's??
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