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mercedesjin 06-15-2009 04:05 AM

Hi everyone!
I'm curious about two things:
1. How do you feel about "otaku" (basically, big, geeky fans of anime/manga)?
2. How do you feel about anti-otaku - people who detest anime lovers?

With my personal experience, I've met otaku who are seriously interested in anime and manga, and love Japan because of it. I've been annoyed with that, because it seems like they think this is the only part of Japan that exists.

Still, I've realized that this IS a part of Japan. Who am I to judge people on their interests? While I can relate to what anti-otaku feel, sometimes I also feel a little annoyed by the holier-than-thou attitude. Anti-otaku sometimes act like otaku don't have the right to be interested in Japan, because they mostly like anime and manga. This makes me wonder whether anyone has the right to be curious about another culture.

What's your position?

ACW 06-15-2009 04:08 AM

Whatever makes you happy is fine with me. Just keep it in moderation. Always have balance in life....or something like that haha

MMM 06-15-2009 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by mercedesjin (Post 734206)
Hi everyone!
I'm curious about two things:
1. How do you feel about "otaku" (basically, big, geeky fans of anime/manga)?
2. How do you feel about anti-otaku - people who detest anime lovers?

With my personal experience, I've met otaku who are seriously interested in anime and manga, and love Japan because of it. I've been annoyed with that, because it seems like they think this is the only part of Japan that exists.

Still, I've realized that this IS a part of Japan. Who am I to judge people on their interests? While I can relate to what anti-otaku feel, sometimes I also feel a little annoyed by the holier-than-thou attitude. Anti-otaku sometimes act like otaku don't have the right to be interested in Japan, because they mostly like anime and manga. This makes me wonder whether anyone has the right to be curious about another culture.

What's your position?

Time and time again I have heard anti-otaku state, "it seems like they think this is the only part of Japan that exists" when I have never met an otaku who thinks Japan is like Roger Rabbit (half real-life, half animated) and at least the gaijin otaku I know are pretty well grounded.

Maybe it's because I am older and don't hang around with teenaged-otaku.

Regardless, I agree with what you are saying. Sometimes it seems like that anti-otaku are going after something that isn't really there...and for what purpose? It comes down to some of the issues we are dealing with on this forum, where people want to bash people just for the sake of bashing, but without any real motivation beyond that.

In the end I would much rather be friends with an otaku than an anti-otaku.

Mauja 06-15-2009 05:31 AM

I´m not against them but sometimes it´s really annoying when I tell someone that I´m intereted in Japan and everyone automaticaly imagine anime (especially Naruto -.-).. In last year lots of people in my country started to watch Naruto and almost all of them say that they are otaku (even thought they´ve never seen/read anything else..). It´s someting like fashion now so nobody come to an idea that I could be interested in japanese music, fashion, history and culture too. In fact I almost don´t watch anime except shounen-ai.. and that also just once in long time..

MMM 06-15-2009 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by TheLastFortnight (Post 734245)
I guess the discrimination against otaku is of the same kind of that geeks or fanboys/girls of anything else suffer from the people less familiar or less interested in these things.

But sometimes it's understandable, I guess; if you walk in a shopping centre dressed as Sailor Moon, it's kind of hard to believe that people will not laugh at your face.

I just don't understand why the term anti-otaku, does that mean the person is speciallized in discriminate otaku people only?

When you like too much something always there will be people who will laugh at you, the same happens with trekkies or any kind of hardcore fan.

I would not say that the discrimination is not understandable, as you describe. I would say there is a set that focuses on their demise (some exist on this site) where I think that is a less-that-useful use of one's time.

MMM 06-15-2009 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by TheLastFortnight (Post 734247)
If you're saying that exist some people who stalk otaku just to laugh at them or something, then I would say they really need to get a life.

I am saying there are, I am saying some of them are members here, and I am saying I agree with you 100%.

Jaydelart 06-15-2009 06:55 AM

I'd never really realized how shallow and pointlessly malicous people can be until I began investing more time on the internet... Or is it something I'd simply learned as I grew-up having the internet?
... In any case, from my experience, almost everyone I have met has had some sort of "geeky" habit or interest. And I'm not sure whether this is common sense or not (I'm beginning to question), but, when someone has an interest that doesn't appeal to you specifically, your first option is always to mind your own business.

There are a lot of people here that like things that I'm not too impressed by..... and that's fine.
As long as they don't bother me, I won't bother them; That's my general attitude on it.

The exception can come when people - or, in this case, otaku - impose their interests on me to the extent that I get offended or annoyed. Which, it goes without saying, I'd be more inclined to protest.

In my opinion, things are never simply black-and-white, although I wish it were that easy: Otakus can be guilty of being obnoxious and rude; Anti-Otakus can be guilty of being inconsiderate and rude.

Btw, since when are people labeled Anti-Otaku?

What's my position?
It depends on the circumstances.

Kyousuke 06-15-2009 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 734248)
I am saying there are, I am saying some of them are members here, and I am saying I agree with you 100%.

like that dude that leaves those stupid racist threads sometimes

MMM 06-15-2009 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Kyousuke (Post 734252)
like that dude that leaves those stupid racist threads sometimes

I am not sure about that, but I am talking about people that go to certain threads just to make fun of the people that are fans of whatever the topic is, or like those that make a thread just to tear apart something that is popular for no obvious reason.

Jaydelart 06-15-2009 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by TheLastFortnight (Post 734255)
I've never seen anyone doing this here, I mean even I sometimes joke about fanboys/girls, but it's just understandable in certain situations, but always with a light hearted mood and not in an offensive way.

He's referring to the loser that keeps sharing with us his favorite pornographic, gory, and racist pictures. A.k.a Desperate Spammer Guy.

SaintKat 06-15-2009 07:52 AM

I don't mind otaku at all. I think of them as enthusiasts, much the same way other people are mad about cars or stamp collecting. They're not hurting anyone.

mercedesjin 06-15-2009 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Jaydelart (Post 734251)
Btw, since when are people labeled Anti-Otaku?

lol since this thread I guess, I haven't heard it used before. I just needed a term to describe the people that don't like otaku.

Sasahara 06-15-2009 12:12 PM

Their is nothing wrong with Otaku unless they get carried away and think that the only thing to japan is Anime/Jpop.

bELyVIS 06-15-2009 01:55 PM

The only thing that bothers me about them is when they say "I'm 14 and moving to Japan and giving up my citizenship to be a (insert ninja, manga artist, or some other fantasy job here)". I'm sure most grow out of this, but maybe some don't.

TenmaAi 06-15-2009 03:36 PM

Well me and and my best friend are otaku's but we don't like Japan just because the whole anime/manga thing. I think you shouldn't put otaku's in one group. not all of us are the freaky obsessed "I'm 14 and moving to Japan and giving up my citizenship to be a (insert ninja, manga artist, or some other fantasy job here)".kinda one .. Savvy??
you shouldn't bash ppl because they are an otaku.. That's the same thing if you'd be like .. oh no she's a goth or emo or something..
If the people's personality just annoys you that's a whole other thing.. that's a valid reason for not liking someone. Not liking someone for what 'labell' they were is just wrong!

Aniki 06-15-2009 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by bELyVIS (Post 734315)
The only thing that bothers me about them is when they say "I'm 14 and moving to Japan and giving up my citizenship to be a (insert ninja, manga artist, or some other fantasy job here)"

I would like to add this to the quote.

Salvanas 06-15-2009 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by TenmaAi (Post 734329)
Well me and and my best friend are otaku's but we don't like Japan just because the whole anime/manga thing. I think you shouldn't put otaku's in one group. not all of us are the freaky obsessed "I'm 14 and moving to Japan and giving up my citizenship to be a (insert ninja, manga artist, or some other fantasy job here)".kinda one .. Savvy??
you shouldn't bash ppl because they are an otaku.. That's the same thing if you'd be like .. oh no she's a goth or emo or something..
If the people's personality just annoys you that's a whole other thing.. that's a valid reason for not liking someone. Not liking someone for what 'labell' they were is just wrong!

Why bother labelling yourselves in the first case? That's what baffles me.

komitsuki 06-15-2009 09:27 PM

The word, otaku also has additional meaning: an anti-social person.

Sasahara 06-16-2009 09:13 AM

Otaku are not antisocial they just are Individuals and do not conform

Tenchu 06-16-2009 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by mercedesjin (Post 734206)
With my personal experience, I've met otaku who are seriously interested in anime and manga, and love Japan because of it. I've been annoyed with that, because it seems like they think this is the only part of Japan that exists.

I seriously doubt many people are that ignorant.

Anything that encourages the exploration of a foreign culture cannot be bad. The alternate is they have nothing that introduces them, and never learn of the outside world.

Salvanas 06-16-2009 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Sasahara (Post 734579)
Otaku are not antisocial they just are Individuals and do not conform

Yet they still join a massive group, and still in a way conform.

I'm not anti-otaku. Nor am I anti-anything, apart from anti-stupidity. But I seriously can't stand people who think that just because they label themselves as something, they seem to think they're different from everyone else.

I'm not sure how people see it, but the way I see it, REAL adults (maturity wise) don't label themselves, and don't join some sort of group. They're too busy trying to create a living for themselves, and survive in the world to be bothered with such bull. They're everything, and anything all at once. I can understand calling each other labels, cause in a way it's used as an insult. But taking that, and wrapping yourself in that name, and claiming that you're just different from everyone else, when there are millions of people doing the same as you?


Quailboy 06-16-2009 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 734607)

Yet they still join a massive group, and still in a way conform.

I'm not anti-otaku. Nor am I anti-anything, apart from anti-stupidity. But I seriously can't stand people who think that just because they label themselves as something, they seem to think they're different from everyone else.

I'm not sure how people see it, but the way I see it, REAL adults (maturity wise) don't label themselves, and don't join some sort of group. They're too busy trying to create a living for themselves, and survive in the world to be bothered with such bull. They're everything, and anything all at once. I can understand calling each other labels, cause in a way it's used as an insult. But taking that, and wrapping yourself in that name, and claiming that you're just different from everyone else, when there are millions of people doing the same as you?


I couldn't have said it better *bows*

MMM 06-16-2009 10:06 AM

Why do otaku have to be mature adults?

komitsuki 06-16-2009 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Sasahara (Post 734579)
Otaku are not antisocial they just are Individuals and do not conform

Not conforming is same as saying anti-social to many people.

Salvanas 06-16-2009 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 734612)
Why do otaku have to be mature adults?

Hm? I'm guessing this is aimed at me?

I'm not saying they HAVE to be. But what I'm saying is, people who call themselves some sort of label, need to grow up and realise that most people in the real world really don't give a toss.

What I'm saying is, people who say "I'm an otaku" or "I'm a/n (label)" is not mature, and I will never see them as a mature person, be they 14, or 60.

MMM 06-16-2009 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 734721)

Hm? I'm guessing this is aimed at me?

I'm not saying they HAVE to be. But what I'm saying is, people who call themselves some sort of label, need to grow up and realise that most people in the real world really don't give a toss.

What I'm saying is, people who say "I'm an otaku" or "I'm a/n (label)" is not mature, and I will never see them as a mature person, be they 14, or 60.

If a 14 year old wants to be immature and call themselves an otaku, I say more power to them. I don't think they need to "grow up" at all. As long as they aren't hurting me, let them go nuts.

Salvanas 06-16-2009 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 734723)
If a 14 year old wants to be immature and call themselves an otaku, I say more power to them. I don't think they need to "grow up" at all. As long as they aren't hurting me, let them go nuts.

Forgive me, you're correct there. I was talking about people around the ages of 18+ labelling themselves.

The age factor was just an example. What I'm trying to say here, is people these days seem to think that people really care about labels and what-not. When all it's used, is in the media (Which is sadly around a lot these days). Apart from that, no one really cares if someone is an otaku/emo/goth/punk/what-ever. People are too busy trying to survive this world, let alone have the time to care about others self proclaimed titles.

But I fear I'm now going off-topic.

Sasahara 06-17-2009 12:06 AM

i personally do not see anything wrong with being a otaku as long as i am not hurting anybody else.

Tenchu 06-17-2009 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 734612)
Why do otaku have to be mature adults?

Because you are.

MMM 06-17-2009 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Tenchu (Post 734921)
Because you are.

I never said I was an otaku.

komitsuki 06-17-2009 04:47 AM

MMM, I always wonder why did an honorific title like otaku derive into a slang-ish meaning?

MMM 06-17-2009 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by komitsuki (Post 734931)
MMM, I always wonder why did an honorific title like otaku derive into a slang-ish meaning?

Correct, the actual meaning of "Otaku" is a formal way of saying "you". And make no mistake, it still does.

The reason the word is used to describe super-fans is because of the way these fans address each each other in very formal terms at conventions.

komitsuki 06-17-2009 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 734941)
Correct, the actual meaning of "Otaku" is a formal way of saying "you". And make no mistake, it still does.

I mentioned the word, derive regarding words. It doesn't necessary mean that the old meaning of a particular word is instantly lost from the popularity of the new meaning.

Sorry, theoretical linguistics geek here.

girigiri 06-17-2009 05:48 AM


I'm not saying they HAVE to be. But what I'm saying is, people who call themselves some sort of label, need to grow up and realise that most people in the real world really don't give a toss.

What I'm saying is, people who say "I'm an otaku" or "I'm a/n (label)" is not mature, and I will never see them as a mature person, be they 14, or 60.


An interesting concept, but one with which I cannot agree. Adults do value social interaction, join in group activities, and take an interest in things beyond the mundane. I'm an otaku、football fan, member of a golf club or community support activities group, member of a 4WD club or of drama society or a chess club, or maybe a stamp or coin collector.... All it says is, I have a strong interest in something.

Some activities are considered worthwhile, and people who do not share a similar interest will tolerate and even encourage a person to talk about those activities. Other activities are considered less worthy of patience.

MMM 06-17-2009 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by komitsuki (Post 734943)
I mentioned the word, derive regarding words. It doesn't necessary mean that the old meaning of a particular word is instantly lost from the popularity of the new meaning.

Sorry, theoretical linguistics geek here.

I said "make no mistake" for the general benefit. I didn't mean to imply you personally had thought the meaning had changed.

komitsuki 06-17-2009 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 734955)
I said "make no mistake" for the general benefit. I didn't mean to imply you personally had thought the meaning had changed.

Oh, perhaps I concentrated on one side of the sentence. My mistake.

rison 06-17-2009 06:19 AM

I dont think there is anything wrong in being an otaku, before I knew Japan other than just another country I had always loved their manga and anime, but that didnt make me draw towards the country.

However, obssession and setting this as a higher standard is simply nonsense.

Tenchu 06-17-2009 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 734929)
I never said I was an otaku.

But you are a middle aged comic fan...

MMM 06-17-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Tenchu (Post 735003)
But you are a middle aged comic fan...

I never said I was middle-aged, but I am a reader of comics. Does that make me an "otaku"?

Aniki 06-17-2009 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 735018)
I never said I was middle-aged, but I am a reader of comics. Does that make me an "otaku"?

Do you consider yourself a comic book fan?

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